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View Full Version : PC Activesync problem (via wireless network)

12-03-2004, 03:42 AM
Was wondering if anyone has been able to sync their 4700 via the wireless connenction to a PC partnership? I have a 4700 with exchange service (works fine) and also PC partnership. I can sync to exchange without issues however trying to sync to the PC returns a "Unable to connect.." error, I have no problems syncing via local cable. I have added the PC host name and can ping OK?

Any help appreciated.

12-06-2004, 06:54 AM
I sync my 2215 using cable in the office and Wi-Fi at home. When I sync in the office, the activesync connection defaults to USB. So when I go home, I go to myActivesync's (in the 2215) Tools > Options and change USB to default 115,000 kbps (something like that). Then it will sync via Wi-Fi.