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View Full Version : Pocket PC 2003 version 2??

11-30-2004, 04:14 AM
So my buddy gets a new ipaq and it comes with the new version of 2003 operating system, version 2. this thing has landscape view for your programs. so I called HP and they tell me that an upgrade from 2003 version 1 to version 2 is not available. what the heck. does anyone know anything about this? rumors about availability, ever? or should i hate ipaq and microsoft forever (i will buy a mac dammit).

11-30-2004, 04:18 AM
Version 2 is actually known as Windows Mobile 2003 Second Edition. Yes, most new Pocket PCs come with this installed. wether a manufacturer chooses to offer an upgrade is up to them. Some have offered but not many, I think only one.

this is something to keep track of when choosing a new device! ;)

Darius Wey
11-30-2004, 01:15 PM
Version 2 is actually known as Windows Mobile 2003 Second Edition. Yes, most new Pocket PCs come with this installed. wether a manufacturer chooses to offer an upgrade is up to them. Some have offered but not many, I think only one.

this is something to keep track of when choosing a new device! ;)

It's never easy to anticipate whether a company will release a whole new OS update for a device. Toshiba offered it for their E400/E800s, but HP and Dell never matched this offer. Instead, they rolled out a whole bundle of new devices with the WM2003SE OS pre-installed. enaime, if you wait just a little longer, WM2005 should be hitting the shores sometime next year. ;)