11-24-2004, 02:43 PM
I was having problems with my 3765, and my friend had a 3870 that stopped charging. Being better with electronics than he is, I talked him into sending it to me after he broke down and bought a new Dell Axim. I figured that maybe I could find a loose wire or something. It wasn't that easy. Since the battery stopped charging, my friend installed Linux to see if it was a software issue. I shipped the unit off to PDA Smart, and they were able to repair it. Now I have it back and working, but it still has Linux. I, of course, and using Windows XP. I can't use the ROM available on HP's website because Active Sync won't work with a Linux device; at least, I'm not able to get it to work.
Does anyone have any experience with reinstalling the Windows ROM?
Does anyone have any experience with reinstalling the Windows ROM?