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View Full Version : New To Pocket PCs?

Janak Parekh
11-24-2004, 09:00 PM
If you're new to Pocket PCs, there's a few general-subject articles you may find of interest.<br /><li> A PC World article <a href="http://story.news.yahoo.com/news?tmpl=story&u=/ttpcworld/20041118/tc_techtues_pcworld/118615&cid=1740&ncid=1729">discusses PDAs</a>, both Palm and Pocket PC. <i>"Whether you simply want an inexpensive pocket organizer to hold your contacts, addresses, phone numbers, and appointment calendar, or a more ambitious handheld that lets you listen to music downloads, play games, browse the Internet, and make phone calls, there's a model for you. Here's a bottom-up look at the secretaries you can put in your pocket."</i><br /><li> Pocket PC Magazine has a <a href="http://www.pocketpcmag.com/_archives/Buy05/quickGuide.aspx">quick guide</a> to some of the current Pocket PCs and Smartphones. <i>"This Buyer's Guide describes Windows Mobile devices currently available in the U.S. These small, full-featured computing devices and personal organizers come in a variety of shapes and sizes, with a variety of features."</i> If you've just been starting out and want a little more information, here are two of many resources available. Of course, feel free to post in our forums as well -- we've got a friendly little community that's always happy to help. :D

11-24-2004, 09:47 PM
If you're new to Pocket PCs, there's a few general....
The first thing of interest that should be the very first entry of anyone's list is this site and these forums. The site and the forums happen to have the most enjoyable, knowledgeable and helpful PPC diehards around just waiting to help anyone that wanders this way.

this site rates 10 out of a possible 5 smiles
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