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View Full Version : T-Mobile 6315 Reception

11-23-2004, 05:49 AM
I've had a T-Mobile hp 6315 since August 26, but the reception just plain sucks. I love the device, but the lack of phone reception is killing me.

I also have a Samsung v205... In my apartment, the v205 gets 4 to 5 bars and has almost perfect voice quality. Meanwhile, the 6315 gets 0 to 3 bars and I have to hold it a certain way to get good sound quality. It seems like the signal gets worse when I hold the 6315 to my face.

What are some other people's experiences with the 6315's reception? I'm ready to call T-Mobile to find out about getting a replacement, but I want to be sure its a defect in my unit and not just a bigger quality issue with the product.

I'm in Lexington, KY... its not a huge market (about 300,000 in the metro area), but with other T-Mobile phones (Samsung v205, Motorola P280) I've had good reception. Last month I took it to Las Vegas and had great signal strength everywhere. Of course, that was on the Cingular network... I was in a much larger area as well. This makes me think that it could just be the 6315 in general and not my specific phone.

Sorry to ramble on... I'm juswt looking for others' experiences.

Andrew Gamble[/i]

11-23-2004, 08:19 AM
I have good experience with my 6315, but, I am in the Washington DC Metro Area.


11-24-2004, 01:52 PM
I get good reception here in Las Vegas, NV!

Just out of curiosity does your 6315 have the wifi, blue tooth and phone symbols painted on it?

11-24-2004, 05:35 PM
Yes, it does have the symbols painted on it. I read somewhere that the one with sybmols is better than the one with the T-Mobile logo under the status lights.

I called T-Mobile last night about the problem and they are sending me a replacement. I'll see how it works.

AND, yes, Las Vegas seems to have great coverage... among other things. Hehehe


11-28-2004, 08:43 PM
I have the 6315 with the wireless symbols painted on and I get pretty good reception, but never use it without my bluetooth headset. I just can't hear as well.

My problem is that I have to perform a soft reset when I want to turn it on. I called T Mobile and they replaced the unit, but I have the same
problem. Must be software related. :?

12-06-2004, 10:50 PM
What bluetooth headseat are you using? I have the Jabra Freespeak and everyone complains they can't hear me very well.

12-14-2004, 08:24 AM
I go to school in Stanford, CA and the reception there is horrible. But that is true of all phones with Tmobile. If i live the campus reception gets much better. Back home in Dallas, Texas I get pretty good reception on the 6315. About replacing the unit. I replaced mine through Tmobile and im really glad I did. The unit was basically unusable before and now stability and it seems even reception is better. (although this may be to tmobile working on the reception on campus as a whole). The replacement process is pretty hassle free to, unles its on back order.