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View Full Version : Help me select a Pocket PC.

11-23-2004, 04:15 AM
Hello I'm new to the forums, and was directed here after making a query about selcting a Pocket PC suited to my tatses at another board. I did a search to see if anyone did a post like this, and didn't find anything, but even so, I'm looking for something sort of specific, so here it goes.

I'm currently in the market for a Pocket PC, and while I know a decent amount about them I figured I may as well throw the question out here and see if anyone can suggest something to me, or mention something I may be missing.

I'm in the market for a model with the latest OS; Windows 2003 for Pocket PCs I believe. Is it true that unless the manufacturer offers an update the OS on them can't be upgraded? I I'm not particularily interested in Bluetooth or WiFi, but that seems to be becomming a standard now adays. I'm looking for something with at least 32 MB of onboard memory (64 would be preferable of course). The model I get also has to support 2 different media card types simultaneously as having a card which expands the memory while at the same time being able to use some app is a must. I'm sure pretty mcuh all Pocket PCs support external keyboards (if not I don't want it), but can they be charged via AC power at the same time? Lastly I'm concerned about battery life. I've seen battery life times ranging from 4 to 10 hours, but I'd like something that can get at least 6 with normal use.

I've only just begun searching, but the only lines I know about are the Dell Axims, the Toshiba e Series, and of course the Ipaq line.

To expand on couple of points:

The keyboard. I'm a student and will be using this sort of a laptop substitute; for instance perhaps I'm in the library and I want to start typing a paper. I want to be able to pull our my keyboard and start typing as I am now. In addition to that, however, if there's an outlet around I want it to be able to take an AC charge and still continue to use the keyboard.

On the subject of multiple media tpes. I'm familliar with Compact Flash, SD, and not so much with SDIO, but I don't know what models offer two simultaneously (without buying an extra periphrial for that if possible), and I also don't know what would be the suggested combination of them. Basically one slot is going to be permanantly occupied with a memory expansion. The other will be used for apps such as Dictionary/Thesaurus etc.

I have an Iriver HD MP3 player which can store and stream files of any type. Is there such a Pocket PC/periphrial that will except the male end of a USB cable? If so I could store video files on it and stream them via my Pocket PC, that would be very nice.

Lastly, this wont really be used for gaming, but if I did want to run an emulator or something could I actually buy a joystick periphrial and use that? Granted I'm sure I could use the buttons on the unit itself, but I imagine that as being pretty combersome.

That's pretty much it, I really don't want anything more than $349 (That's the unit itself I'm not including the accessories)

Your help is appreciated, thanks.

Mark Johnson
11-24-2004, 10:06 AM
I'd strongly recommend you go over to CompUSA and take a look at the difference between QVGA (320x240 pixels) and VGA (640x480 pixel) screens.

Only a few units have the higher VGA resolution, and you are only likely to see the HP hx4700 series actually stocked in stores. I've used my PPC for notetaking in class situations for years now. Having just upgraded to my first VGA unit (I ended up going with Dell instead of HP) I can tell you the sharpness of the screen VASTLY improves it's usability as a digital notepad.

11-29-2004, 06:56 AM
Whever I sign up for a new UBB I always forget to check my posts there.

Anyway I didn't think about the screen resolution. I don't think it'll be a big deal , but I'll check out the differences between Q and SVGA.

Does anyone know of a site that has a listing of all or just about all of the current Pocet PCs and has a spec search? That being I can select from a list of customized options and it will give me a list of maching Pocket PCs.

Thanks for any help.

(I also have to say it is a little discouraging to see that 107 people viewed the thread, and only one has answered thus far :/ I realize it's alot to look at, but any help on any of the points in my origional post would be useful)