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View Full Version : Ultra-Mega-Super Pocket Hack Master 2004 Giveaway Contest

Jon Westfall
11-22-2004, 11:40 PM
I work with orphans. Sick orphans. Well, not just sick... terminally ill. Poor little moppets.

Just last Tuesday, little Joey, who has the most angelic face you've ever seen, went Code Blue on us. Our normal defibulator was already in use (they were trying to revive poor young Theresa, rest her soul), so I decided to try the Pocket-Defib program I had downloaded (I'm still using the trial version). Alas, my Axim just didn't have the power!

Anyway, little Joey is gone now, though I have yet to delete him from my Contact list... I just can't bear the thought. I lie awake nights now, thinking that had I only had Pocket Hack Master 2004, the Pocket-Defib program just may have worked, and little Joey might be alive today.

Well, this was a tough post to write, what with the tears in my eyes and all. Thanks for listening, and bless you all.

I moonlight as the Grim Reaper. Its a tough job, as lots of souls have trouble letting go of this world and moving on to the next, so rest is not something I often get.

Usually, the orphanage where dannyspleen works is a welcome reprieve from my normal days of forcing kicking and screaming people to their eternal afterlife (especially if they know they've been more naughty than nice, if you know what I mean). On that particular day Last week, though, my life got a bit tougher.

I had just checked my schedule using PI, which always run a bit slow on my machines, and was on my way to pick up young Theresa (the sick, terminally ill, orphans, usually come willingly, to get out of this horrible world of pain). She was fairly easy to convince to cross over, so I figured I'd save a trip and get Joey. When I arrived, Theresa in tow, there was struggling Joey - trying to free himself from the bonds of his human body, while some un-named person (dannyspleen) was trying to hold him in this cruel world with a dell axim and some poorly written shareware. I quickly hooked up my proprietary SoulPrying cable wired up to my ipaq and had JUST ENOUGH SPEED to take Little Joey from this painful world with me. Had I had Anton's Pocket Hackmaster, I may have saved Little Joey his last few seconds of pain in this cruel world by taking him to paradise quicker, rather than watch my IPaq's spinning wheel take FOREVER (not literally) to finish its job.

Now I cringe when I have to go to the orphanage, hoping that my IPaq doesn't keep another little one from paradise longer than it should.
