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View Full Version : NEW Site: http://www.ppcpathways.com/

11-20-2004, 03:43 AM
Over the past few weeks, I have spent countless hours creating my own pocketpc site, as if there aren't enough already! But, my site has a few nice features. First, it is completely focused on news and product reviews. This allows me to review a lot of products. A second feature is minimal advertising but I haven't made a penny from them yet, that I know of, so I should just take them off. I have a long list of upcoming reviews and I highly recommend you check the site out because I put so much time into it! Many may know that I am the person who wrote the HX4700 review that received 15K+ unique visits and that is my first "big" site, so here is my attempt at my second! Help me make it a reality and I promise I won't let you down!