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View Full Version : Is anyone considering the Toshiba 830?

Phillip Dyson
11-10-2004, 08:28 PM
I had pretty much wittled my choices of VGA PPCs down to Dell x50V and the HP4700. Admittedly the x50v was in the lead due to the touchpad on the HP.

But then I saw the Toshiba 830 again for the first time.

My only concern is that it doesn't have the built in graphics chip. I'm concerned that I may be behind the curve in 6 months if I don't have one.

But other than that, the toshiba has everything. Plus 4" display. Plus USB host.

What do you think? Am I alone?

Craig Horlacher
11-10-2004, 10:37 PM
Yes, actually I just got my e830 on Friday of last week. I had a very hard time getting it since I live in the US.

My only problem with it so far is that bluetooth is a real pain. I got the ThinkOutside bluetooth keyboard only to find out it's not compatible with toshiba's bluetooth stack for some dumb reason. I need to find a different keyboard I guess. I have had the bluetooth work with my laptop but actually haven't gotten to try it with my phone yet. It wouldn't work with my bluetooth headset (sony ericsson)...close but not quite.

The 802.11b works great on my home lan. Man, browing in landscape at 640x480 on this thing is very nice!

The screen is great. I'm glad it's 4" rather than anything less like the dell. I like to use real vga mode for web browsing and some other things. The text is so small in that mode that I don't think I'd want the screen any smaller.

I can't comment on the battery life yet. I really haven't used it enough and often have it docked and charging at work.

I'd like to write more but I've got to run. Maybe sometime I can submit a more complete review. In closing I'll just say that I love it!

11-11-2004, 02:43 AM
I have consider it and it still sits at the top of my list... The reason I choose this over the Dell and Ipaq is that it has 128mb of ram compared to the measily 64mb offered by Dell and Ipaq.

I am waiting to see what the Asus a730W offers... and then I will have a pretty good picture of what I want. Depending on the price of the Loox 720 it could be an option too.

Mitch D
11-11-2004, 04:38 AM
I have spent a fair amount of time playing with the e830 at worl over the last two weeks and have decided that it is going to replace my X3i instead of the x50v that I was going to go with.

Battery life is good and I like the layout of it and as Vector said surfing the net in 640 x 480 on a four inch screen is so nice especially with the addition of the SE_VGA program. Nothing like being able to see 8 columns in Excel...

Unless you do something that requires a "standalone" video chipset I don't see any need for it. And if I remember correctly a few reviews I saw didn't seem to find the X50v any better at video... but then again I don't have a great memory some days, hence the reason (well one of the reasons) for my PDA...

I'm picking one up this friday along with a Pharos CF based GPS unit... Should be fun...

11-11-2004, 06:14 AM
Unless you do something that requires a "standalone" video chipset I don't see any need for it. And if I remember correctly a few reviews I saw didn't seem to find the X50v any better at video... but then again I don't have a great memory some days, hence the reason (well one of the reasons) for my PDA...

The reviews of the X50v were done on preproduction units which had yet to get the final set of drivers and updates, including for the video hardware. Also, you can't forget that the 2700G features 3D hardware acceleration.

11-11-2004, 10:36 AM
as ive posted in a different thread, im really interested in getting an upgrade to my WM2003 Loox (which ive just gotten only a few weeks back)...

im much interested in getting either the HP or the Dell - but as it seems it has a mall amount of RAM, that gives added points for me to go to the Genio (being here it Japan, it is easy for me to get it)

however, my worry is the battery life - would this stand in comparison with my Loox (610 BT/WLAN)?


Phillip Dyson
11-11-2004, 12:27 PM
thanks for all the input.

Strange enough, the fact that the Thinnkoutside Keyboard doesn't work is a major negative for me. As I already own it.

Its too bad. I really like the look of the Toshiba.

11-11-2004, 08:39 PM
MitchD I am assuming that you dropped quite a chunk of change at London Drugs... when I was there last the Toshiba was $699... and the Pharos Bluetooth Unit was about $575...??? You could have gotten yourself a laptop... naw................ who needs one of those....

By the way I have the Pharos unit and I like it... however I do use Mapopolis for it though rather than the software that came with it. I would be interested to find out if Ostia is any good.

Phillip Dyson
11-11-2004, 10:04 PM
Does anyone know where I could find reviews for this product.

Also, has anyone else tried the Thinkoutside bluetooth keyboard.
It seems kind of strange that it wouldn't work on a particular device. Its supposed to be "universal".