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View Full Version : Wish me luck with CompUSA's TAP plan!

11-10-2004, 01:01 AM
The 'up' on my 4155 is getting a little flakey. I was told that it may be possible for CompUSA's TAP department to send me a gift card instead of a repaired Ipaq. If they do, I will upgrade to a VGA. Like I said, wish me luck, since they don't 'have' to do it.

11-10-2004, 03:28 AM
I recently had to use the TAP on my wife's 5455. It too had been acting flakey and finally somehow discharged fully, wouldn't charge right then got stuck trying to boot. It was unusable. I don't know at what point they consider exchange/repair, etc. or what is "unusable". This TAP was almost 2 years old, btw.

I took it in to my local Compusa. He did ask if this just happened. I told him it had been flaking out more lately but the big problem just happened. The clerk said he had to double check something, asked the manager, who said, "Give him a 4700". I had to buy a new TAP if I wanted it.

I'd say that worked out very well. I didn't know what I would walk out with or if I'd have to wait.

Edit: A couple of other things I thought of that may have been in my "favor"(?) other than unusability: Price and model. The hx4705 was basically the same price as what I paid for the 5455 and they are/were apparently considered the "high-end" models. So I basically received the "equivalent" machine. They did not have a 5xxx series available any more, but they did have the 4155 and other models there. It's hard to say what will happen in your case.

I'm curious also what your specific TAP from your purchase says. I know they have changed them over time. For example, the new TAP apparently involves trading the old for the new using a Web site. Also, did they tell you, "If anything goes wrong" vs. "If it can't be fixed", etc.

Based on other threads, it's hard telling what will happen. Good luck, in any case.

11-10-2004, 01:59 PM
The store sent me straight to the web. The new TAP plan is through the website not the store. And they made no mention of how severe the damage has to be. That shouldn't matter since the warranty will cover accidental damage as well, if they really wanted to be disagreeable, it could always be 'dropped' and that would definately be covered.

11-10-2004, 08:43 PM
Let us know how things turn out. I am curious about the new plan. Perhaps it's through this Web method as a cost thing, to get one central place to handle things. And perhaps to be uniform, as opposed to Store A being picky and stingy, Store B being really easy.

No, I don't intend to use this new TAP nor do I advocate doing damage just to upgrade. While I am happy for the trade up, it was kind of sad to see the old machine go. If it wouldn't have been flaky and finally gone south, we would've been happy with it for quite some time.

11-12-2004, 12:39 AM
:D :D

Success. I was allowed to go the store and upgrade!!! Nice screen...how long for the intial charge?

Darius Wey
11-12-2004, 06:49 AM
Leave the initial charge for a little longer than usual, as it is the first charge. From there, your first two or three charges should be made when your battery is running low. Run it down to about 20-30% before you charge it. After those first three charges, you can charge the battery whenever you like. These steps are merely to help condition the new battery.