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View Full Version : optimal memory settings??

11-09-2004, 06:39 AM
in a separate thread, the topic of having more memory would surely improve the performance of a PPC...

my question would then be - how much woud be the optimal?

my particular handheld has about 128MB of RAM (twice that of my previous one - iPaq 3850), and thus i had the RAM area separated equally... this would basically give me about 60MB of usable RAM...

do you think that i should allocate more than this? or is this more than enough?

11-09-2004, 08:05 AM
60 megs is much more than your device can ever use for program memory. the idea behind 128 megs of ram is increasing the size of ram for storage and program installation.
normaly you should never worry about the memory configuration since the operating system allocates it automatically, but i am sure that 60 megs will be more than enough