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View Full Version : Why PhatNotes AND Pocket Informant Notes?

11-06-2004, 03:14 PM
I am totally confused.

Maybe its just me but as far as basic editing features are concerned, I can not see any added advantage of having BOTH phat notes AND Pocket Informant notes installed at the same time.

I did a little comparison today. I can enter text in both apps. I can format it (Bold, Italics, Underline, Change fonts, font color, font size, right/left/center justification, bullets).

in PI Notes i can also draw on the same note. In Phatnotes I can not.
Phatnotes has other advanced options such as emailing note, exporting it etc.

So if I had my way, i would have liked to have PhatNotes as my standard notes editor instead of the PI Notes app. But sinced PI notes is kinda built-in into PI, I guess thats not possible (correct me if i'm wrong).

What I want to know is, am I missing something? is there any reason i should keep both apps? can i set phatnotes as my default notes app so it gets opened from POI when i click on NEW or open any note? (except for phatpad notes of course)

Any other comments are also welcome.

11-07-2004, 06:57 PM
A number of people have expressed the same confusion.
The sad fact is that at the moment, PhatNotes doesn't actually give you very much more than what you get with PI Notes, and if PI adds some functionality to improve consistency with its other views (e.g. favourite notes views, links for notes etc), then there will be very little reason to use PhatNotes at all.
I don't know what the relationship between WebIS and PhatWare is, but they obviously have some agreement which has resulted in the existing integration. I hope this won't stop WebIS developing their Notes functionality, which has improved dramatically over the last few releases.
Hopefully, PhatWare will respond by making their product have so much extra useful functionality that you and other people won't be left asking this question, and will instead be tempted up a natural upgrade path.

11-08-2004, 12:10 AM
Don't forget the premium price and that goes for an upgrade too!

11-08-2004, 01:31 PM
Can you remove the Phatnotes program that came with PI without removing PI? Or have they tied them together?

11-08-2004, 05:32 PM
I believe there is a dll that handles phatnotes that you can just delete if you don't want this ability. You'd have to ask them which it is. Also, you can just not install phatnotes and remove all the phatnotes databases.

Phatnotes Professional edition has a desktop component that syncs with the device as well.

I believe in prior versions the PI search wouldn't search into notes contents and that was one benefit of phatnotes over PI - but now PI does this.

One thing Phatnotes does do is it lets you link files, phatpad drawings, other notes to a note.

Phatnotes also allows you to export the note into Word, text or RTF formats - I don't think PI allows that.

You can also use a Phatware spellchecker on Phatnotes - I haven't seen any spellchecker for PI notes.

There may be others...

I like the Phatnote integration in PI because, first of all, I can use my older phatnote databases in PI. I could convert them, but I do use the export feature at times and the link feature is nice too.

Heck, if you don't install phatnotes I don't think there's any problem though.

Ideally it would be nice to have all the features in PI and for many/most PI will be all you need.

I believe Alex at WebIS has said he doesn't intend to completely replace Phatnotes, but for many I think it already could.