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View Full Version : katakana/hirigana flash cards app?

11-06-2004, 07:21 AM
Anyone know of a good Pocket PC flashcards-type app for learning Japanese kata kana and hirigana?

11-06-2004, 02:45 PM
JWPCe ??? It has even a dictionary :)

11-07-2004, 01:06 AM
Not exactly a flashcard program, but I installed Gakusoft's KingKanji about 6 weeks ago, and I love it! I kinda knew katatana, hiragana, and 2 or 3 dozen kanji at the time. I try to drill myself with KingKanji every day, and I now know about 200 kanji.

The lessons are based on "Japanese the Written Language" by Eleanor Harz Horden. In each lesson (katakana, hiragana, or 30 to 50 kanji), the program displays a definition and pronounciation (in hiragana). You write the kanji or phrase, then it displays the answer. You grade yourself on whether you wrote it correctly or not, then get a score at the end of the lesson. It will display the proper stroke order as well.

Their website is www.gakusoft.com. It is also available via Handango. I highly recommend this program!

11-10-2004, 06:13 AM
Seconding the vote for KingKanji.
They also make KingHanzi which is helpful when your girlfriend is Chinese. :)