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View Full Version : hx4700, email, web

11-04-2004, 04:24 AM
I'm a contract programmer that moves from job to job. My current customer is so hung up over security I'm not allowed to:

--Plug in my laptop to their LAN
--Have my hx4700 attach to their network
--Get my email using web email clients

I bought my hx4700 thinking they'd allow connecting to the internet through their WiFi: Nope. Passed up h6315 phone thinking I could do the same thing with the hx4700 and a cell phone. So I guess my questions are:

1) What are the decent phones for this
2) Is there an easier way to get my email?


11-04-2004, 04:33 AM
T-Mobile has unlimited data for $20 (or *cough*free if you search PPCT, but that hasn't worked for me for over a week), but still the best price I've seen. I have an Ericcson T610, which is T-Mobile's cheapest Bluetooth phone. Works fine for what I need. Hope that helps.

11-06-2004, 01:02 PM
I have a cingular account with an SE610. They have 'unlimited' data for $20 a month that works well through bluetooth for connecting my 4700.
Setting it up is doable but obscure as hell, so PM me if you ever get that far. (It's much easier than it used to be).

11-07-2004, 07:39 AM
I have a cingular account with an SE610... snip

Thank you for your post! I'll start with them and see how it goes!

11-08-2004, 04:52 PM
Look for their Media Works package.