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View Full Version : iPaq 5455: Storage issues

11-01-2004, 05:26 AM
I am not sure if there is any easy answer to this. I have been loading programs into my file store and onto a storage card. My problem is that parts of the program still end up in the main storage. Which ends up taking away from the program storage. Which ends up slowing down the entire thing. I have a couple of programs that have to be loaded onto the main storage space. However, it is showing 17 MB is use!?! Anyway to free some of this up? I would love to hear some ideas.



Darius Wey
11-01-2004, 05:50 AM
When you state you have been loading programs onto your File Store and Storage Card, are you referring to the actual installation process over ActiveSync or are you making reference to the copying of CAB files over to those places and installing it from there? If the latter is true, you may want to try CabInstl (http://www.snapfiles.com/get/pocketpc/cabinst.html) which allows you to redirect the CAB installations to your desired location, rather than Program Files on the main memory.

11-01-2004, 05:56 AM
Unfortunately, I don't think there is a simple answer. I always tried loading programs into the iPAQ File Store on my 5450 and some would just refuse to load there and as you note, some would only load a part of the application in the File Store while dropping some huge dll's in the Windows folder.

I always reserved a minimum of 32MB of space for Program Memory and hovered around 7-8MB available Storage for over a year. I loaded all media files (music, photos, video, etc.) in File Store or on the SD card to save space but continually worried about running out of memory.

On my new hx4700, I loaded all applications (about 30) into File Store with the exception of Today Screen plug-ins. FYI-It appears that these apps load faster from File Store than they did on the 5450 (could just be me). Ever after this setup, with 28MB allocated for Storage (34MB for Program Memory), I still only have 6+MB available storage, the same or worse than my 5450. BTW-The MyDocuments folder never exceeds 3MB total.

My solution was to send my device to PPC Techs for the 128MB upgrade. Hopefully this will finally give me the headroom that I have always hoped for.

11-01-2004, 06:01 AM
Tweaks2K2 will allow you to load lhings like; Shared DLL's; Avant Go files, Temp files and Inbox attachments to File Store. This could save you a couple MB's of Storage memory.