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10-31-2004, 02:00 AM
I've often wondered, now I know! :takethat:


Darius Wey
10-31-2004, 03:05 AM
I've often wondered, now I know! :takethat:


How you came across that is anyone's guess. :rainbowafro:

Nice way to start the morning! :way to go:

10-31-2004, 04:45 AM
lol, I saw that months, if not years ago...not bad.

10-31-2004, 06:36 PM
How you came across that is anyone's guess.

Australian Air Mail. :lol: :wink:


10-31-2004, 07:32 PM
I learned that my computer was serving up porn on the Internet for a full 24 hours. I was browing the web during MSIE with the SP2 popup blocker turned off while doing some testing. A popup came up while I was typing (just as I was hitting the enter key) and it was so quick I didn't even see what the popup said. The next day I found it had turned off PES, downloaded, several hundred megabytes of pornography on it and set up its own web server, and it was using so much bandwidth that my company's web site was inaccessible.

I should have checked the process list right away after that popup to see what was going on but I was in a hurry. it took me ~2 hours to remove all of the components it had installed. It had gone into the system restore and patched EVERY single restore point to reinstall this scumware once it was deleted, and if you've ever had to edit any restore points by hand (under the System Volume Information directory) you'd understand what a pain in the butt it was. At least I could do it in safe mode rather than the recovery console. I was half-tempted to recover the System Volume Information directory from last week's backup but thankfully I didn't have to. :)

We have a firewall capable of managing QoS and I have always been unwilling to install it since we generally manage each machine's outgoing bandwidth manually. I am thinking of changing that philosophy. A little off topic, but I had to rant, and with the current topic heading, I couldn't resist posting the story. Spyware/Adware/Scumware sucks. :mad:

Cute cartoon, BTW. If only reality

11-01-2004, 02:27 AM
Nice one. Now I know why all my icons are gone, except farcry.
Maybe it is not wise to put both farcry and quake 3 icons on the same desktop. humm.

11-01-2004, 04:51 PM
Spyware/Adware/Scumware sucks. :mad:

It seems that the major PC manufacturers have taken notice. They usually do ( IMO ) when they realize an issue is costing them money and time resources.

Dell took the lead on this issue...

" Dell has declared war on spyware with its announcement on October 20 that all of its computers will ship with a free security software package. Dell will begin bundling the security package in its computers as soon as the spyware component is ready, something company officials expect will occur between early November and the holidays. "

Tech Support Overtaxed

" Giving away the three-part security package for free will actually save Dell a bundle in tech support costs. Company officials said that instructing customers who purchase new computers how to get rid of spyware infections was becoming a bigger and bigger task. "


An apology for driving this thread a little more off topic :oops: