10-29-2004, 11:12 PM
Hi all,
Switched over from Palm platform and got a 4700. I love it but have a few questions I was hoping someone could help me with.
1. I don't quite understand exactly how Memory and Storage work. My memory is very low while my storage is very high. I have a 1gig CF card I plan on keeping in it. What all besides my data files can I transfer over to it? What all can i transfer over to the iPAQ file store? What is the iPAQ file store?
2.Is the low memory the reason the machine is running so slow and always gets locked up? Is there anything else I can do to make it run faster and not lock up? I have to soft reset all the time.
3. I have the default security enabled. I use audible to listen to books. If I am using battery power (not connected) it shuts off in 5 mins because of my power settings. I know I can shut that function off, but then my security is disabled as the machine will not turn off. How can i keep it from shutting down while i am using audible but still have the security feature enabled in case it should get stolen?
4. Can someone recommend a callendar program that is more similar to outlook 2003?
5.Does anyone know how I can get my Logitec Denovo Bluetooth Keyboard to work with the 4700? I've tried everything i can think of.
On a side note: Memoirs of a Giesha on audio is boring, don't bother.
Switched over from Palm platform and got a 4700. I love it but have a few questions I was hoping someone could help me with.
1. I don't quite understand exactly how Memory and Storage work. My memory is very low while my storage is very high. I have a 1gig CF card I plan on keeping in it. What all besides my data files can I transfer over to it? What all can i transfer over to the iPAQ file store? What is the iPAQ file store?
2.Is the low memory the reason the machine is running so slow and always gets locked up? Is there anything else I can do to make it run faster and not lock up? I have to soft reset all the time.
3. I have the default security enabled. I use audible to listen to books. If I am using battery power (not connected) it shuts off in 5 mins because of my power settings. I know I can shut that function off, but then my security is disabled as the machine will not turn off. How can i keep it from shutting down while i am using audible but still have the security feature enabled in case it should get stolen?
4. Can someone recommend a callendar program that is more similar to outlook 2003?
5.Does anyone know how I can get my Logitec Denovo Bluetooth Keyboard to work with the 4700? I've tried everything i can think of.
On a side note: Memoirs of a Giesha on audio is boring, don't bother.