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View Full Version : Good Action Item, Simple Project Task Tracking Software?

10-29-2004, 05:20 PM
I need a simply program for tracking basic information about action items that have been assigned to people on my team. Information I need to track is:
- Action Subject/Description
- Due Date
- Status Code
- Assigned To
- Multiple status notes per action item with text formatting

The last is the difficult part. I thought of building something in HanDBase but I need a "note" field that supports text formatting, bullets, etc..

PhatNotes is good for general notes but has a cumbersome and inflexible approach to the group/DB/note hiearchy and does not support views of the data for me to easily list the action items, etc.

ListPro provides some of the list functionality but I can't mix "status/note" records with the higher level action items records.

I tried CyAct's action item product but the interface is too cumbersome and it does not support formatting of multiple notes per action item.

I don't need the complexity of regular project management tools such as charting and earned value estimates.

Any ideas?

Dan :? [/list]

Darius Wey
10-29-2004, 05:29 PM
There's a piece of software called Pocket Plan (http://www.twiddlebit.com/pocketplan.htm) by Twiddlebit. I'm not sure if it's too complex for what you need, but have a look at it and see if it appeals to you. An added bonus is that you can synchronise your data with Microsoft Project.

These are some of its features:

# Enter resource information such as working hours and holidays
# Enter task information, including the estimated "work" effort required
# Create dependencies between tasks, such that one task starts after another finishes
# Pocket Plan will calculate each tasks duration as well as the whole project taking into consideration dependencies, working hours and holidays
# Change one task, and see all other effected tasks recalculated automatically
# View tasks using a "Gantt chart"
# View the estimated cost of the project
# Track progress as the project gets underway
# Seamless interface with Microsoft Project using ActiveSync
# And much more...

As always, there's a trial version that you can have a look at so you don't have to make the tough decision of purchasing a product without sampling it first.

10-29-2004, 06:22 PM
Thanks. I'll take a look at it. I probably don't need the working hours, holidays, Gantt chart, etc. capabilities.

What is most important is that I be able to capture notes/status as I talk with my people or am in a meeting regarding the particular action. And then maybe spawn related actions.

Darius Wey
10-29-2004, 06:34 PM
Thanks. I'll take a look at it. I probably don't need the working hours, holidays, Gantt chart, etc. capabilities.

What is most important is that I be able to capture notes/status as I talk with my people or am in a meeting regarding the particular action. And then maybe spawn related actions.

These would be "written notes" wouldn't they? Or are you looking to creating "audio notes" too?

I dug up a link at Handango (http://www.handango.com/PlatformSoftwareSection.jsp?jid=F7E713B11C68BC743CD3XB514X6B8483&platformId=2&special=&siteId=1&bySection=1&sectionId=3742&topSectionId=1425&title=Project+Tracking) for you - basically, it's a bundle of software to do with project management. See if anything tickles your fancy. :P