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View Full Version : How can I use my Outlook to complete overlay the data on my PDA

Phillip Dyson
10-28-2004, 05:29 PM
I know this forum exists somewhere on some site but I can find it again. It wasn't mine though.

But my question is ...
Is there a way to have a my data in Outlook completely overlay the data on my pda?


10-28-2004, 06:04 PM
do it in the active sync portion, it's also in the settings section of either Outlook on your pc or PPC.

Sven Johannsen
10-29-2004, 05:59 AM
I don't believe there is any setting anywhere that will let you force that. There are options in AS that let you pre-determine what you want to have happen if there is a conflict during syncronization, A conflict is when you make a change to the same record on both the PC and PPC between syncs. The system needs to know which one it should keep.

For your desire I believe the following will work. Turn off Calendar, Contact and Task sync in ActiveSync. Make sure it syncs once, take it off the cradle and put it back on, or turn it off and on. Now turn the three items back on. I believe that will pop up the initial box that asks if you wish to combine, or overwrite the PPC. Note that you never get the option for the PPC to overwrite the desktop in the initial setup. That option only exists in the conflict setup.

10-29-2004, 11:08 PM
I have been trying for FOREVER to figure out how to do a handheld overwrites desktop or vice versa. The conflict resolution is the trick! Thanks!

Of course, it seems that the conflict resolution is global and not application-specific. How come I can't change the settings for, say, the contacts, independent of the settings for the calendar? :(