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View Full Version : 3600series user just got new 2210 Problems Already???????

10-28-2004, 05:16 AM
Has anyone had this happen with a 2210/2215 ipaq? First of all the time moves up an hour every time I sync. After I reset the correct time it goes back to an hour ahead after sync?? Time zone, Date, and PC's time are all correct. Any ideas???

Also when this unit is in the cradel if I slightly touch the unit active sync beeps and re-initinalizes as if the (hardware) connection is not tight. My 3635 never did that. 2210 in car with GPS plugged in does not miss a beat. It is just when it sits in the cradel. Is this common for the new series or could it be a bad cradel??? :?: :(

Steven Cedrone
10-28-2004, 12:46 PM
It has to be a time zone issue or a daylight savings issue, triple check! :wink:

Your other problem sounds like a faulty cradle...


10-28-2004, 02:28 PM
I have triple checked. As stated in my original post all settings are correct. Time/Date settings on PC and Time/Date settings on ipaq are correct. Standard time starts on the 31st. of course but my dates are correct.????? :?: :(

10-29-2004, 03:10 PM
HP Support is good for something.. If anyone else is experiencing the time issue you must have the Adjust for Daylight Savings Time Box checked in your PC's time settings and also checked in Outlook's settings or they conflict. They are also sending me a new cradel. I was surprised I did not get more help or replies in this forum. :?