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View Full Version : No iTMS for Australia

Anthony Caruana
10-27-2004, 02:37 AM
As an Australian, I was hoping for, but not expecting, iTMS DownUnder to become a reality. Sadly, we're left waiting again.

While all you EU folks will be pleased as well as a few others, many Aussies are feeling a little ripped off.

So, I've created an online petition at


Hopefully, we can get enough signatures to get Apple to set up an iTMS.

If you're an Aussie, please sign. If you're not, please tell your Australian friends, point them to the petition and beg them to sign.

<end soapboxy post>Cross posted at Digital Media Thoughts

Darius Wey
10-27-2004, 10:39 AM
Anthony, the link, and Petition Online for that matter, seem to be unavailable. Is this just a problem on my side, or are you experiencing the same problems too?

Either way, you got my vote for a down-under port of iTMS. ;)

EDIT: Don't worry. Petition Online is up and running again (after a day and a half). ;)