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View Full Version : 415x/435x and Bluetooth Headsets?

10-23-2004, 03:26 AM
I know that the registry hack doesn't seem to work with the iPAQ 415x/435x-series handhelds and bluetooth headsets... I own both the HS810 and HS820 headsets from Motorola and they are unable to receive audio from my handheld (they connect, but sound like they hang-up on the handshake with an audible buzzing sound).

Is anyone aware of a workaround for piping audio from this series iPAQ through a bluetooth headset profile? Is there anything in the works? I don't understand why a third-party vendor wouldn't create a working bluetooth headset profile .dll for PPC2002/2003 - is there not a market for this (yet)?

10-23-2004, 01:38 PM
This is something that would work with PPC I guess:


10-23-2004, 08:01 PM
This is something that would work with PPC I guess:


Not for the 415x/435x.