View Full Version : A Belated 4th Anniversary Retrospective and Contest from Sena Cases
Jason Dunn
10-20-2004, 01:00 PM
I'm a week late, but I haven't forgotten about my promise to give Pocket PC Thoughts readers something a little special to help celebrate our fourth year of existence. First off, I wanted to give everyone a blast from the past: our original site, launched October 12th 2000, is still in my Blogger account, so I've <a href="">re-published the entire thing</a> right here! Unfortunately the template isn't the same (I didn't have time to hack it into a workable format with the archives), but all the content is there from October 12th to February 3rd, 2001 (the day we switched to Greymatter). Looking back over the site brings back some nice memories - back then, Pocket PCs were the underdog, a mere speck in the marketshare, and I was extremely passionate about evangelising their use. I still am, but things change - now I have to worry about finding sponsors and paying the bills. Things were so much simpler back then. :wink: <br /><br />It's interesting to me how little the basic structure and taxonomy (THOUGHT, SOFTWARE, etc.) has changed in four years - and how many other sites thought this was a good enough idea to copy. Hey, I'm flattered! ;-) Looking back at my early posts, I see a <a href="">certain "fight the power" attitude</a> and some <a href="">cool ideas</a> that haven't yet been realized. And hey, look who <a href="">joined the party after all!</a> I also find my writing to be more entertaining and colourful - I'll have to try and re-discover that. I've been trained a little too well into the "professional" mode of writing. :lol: <br /><br />It's been a wild ride, and I want to extend my deepest thanks to you, our readers. Without you coming back day after day, we wouldn't have the support we need to continue. You give us purpose - thank you! I also want to thank my amazing team of volunteers who have helped out over the years: the contributing editors, moderators, programmers, graphic designers, reviewers, and everyone who has ever helped me out with the site. Lastly, I want to thank our advertising sponsors - their support helps us pay the bills, and without them we wouldn't be here.<br /><br />And speaking of sponsors, one of our special supporters, <a href="">Sena Cases</a>, has a very generous birthday celebration offer: Sena Cases is offering up twelve, count 'em TWELVE, cases for some lucky winners. They'll give the winner any Pocket PC case they make, including some of the upcoming cases for products like the Axim X50. How can you win? Simple: post a message in this thread (one message per user) telling me how you first found Pocket PC Thoughts. Google? A referral from a friend? A link from another site? This is something I always wonder about, so let me know how you first came to visit our site (and when you first came as well). That's your entry into the Sena contest! The drawing for the winners will be Friday, 12 noon my local time.
10-20-2004, 01:05 PM
I first found PPCT through a PPC Magazine article. It was my first PPC-related site and it's still the best one around!
10-20-2004, 01:07 PM
I came here first about two years ago. I have had my first PPC back then (Casio E-125).
I have searching the net for PPC sites and Google came also up with you.
There you were! And since this time I am visiting you almost daily :D
I followed a link from I think. This is the first site I go to every day.
If I recall correctly - I found Thoughts via a search engine and then read about it again on Brighthand Forums. In my opinion Thoughts is and will continue to be the best content site of its kind.
Steven Cedrone
10-20-2004, 01:12 PM
See Jasons first post in the original format (may be slow to load) (
I can still remember the announcement in the Microsoft Newsgroups... :wink:
10-20-2004, 01:18 PM
When i were in the US two years ago on vacation from Sweden i've bought a magazine called ppc magazine and their it was an article with different forums and how they recommended this. In the beginning i've just came here to read news but now i've recently registered in this great forum. And happy birthday ppc thoughts! :bday: :olympic: :rainbowafro:
10-20-2004, 01:19 PM
Hmmm, it was SUCH a long time ago...
I think I came via Brighthand clutching my beloved Casio E-125 (still love the D-pad & button layout).
4 Pocket PC's, a Sharp Zaurus and an Apple Newton later, I still come to PPCThoughts several times a day :)
10-20-2004, 01:20 PM
I found the site about two years ago after reading a post in the PocketPCPassion's forum. I visit everyday and truely enjoy your site. Thank-you.
Darius Wey
10-20-2004, 01:23 PM
I have been a frequent visitor for around two years now, but became a member in late 2003.
Basically I Googled my way into PPCT but not by searching something simple like: "Pocket PC", but rather I typed in keywords to a problem I was having with my Pocket PC a while ago, and voila...PPCT was the site which had my answer. That's when I thought PPCT would be the community to be a part of. :)
10-20-2004, 01:23 PM
No fair! Four years in tech time is like twenty years in real time, and, frankly, my memory's not that good. However, I'm inclined to think I followed a link from either pdabuzz or pocketpcpassion, and this site is now on the short list of IE links at the top of my screen every morning.
10-20-2004, 01:24 PM
I followed a link from another site. I think it might have been from the Aximsite. No sure though. Great site!
Ken Mattern
10-20-2004, 01:24 PM
As an avid newsgroup reader, back then, I remember your announcement, Jason. My eBook site was only two moths old back then and still hasn't had as meany hits as you get in a week! After checking my email every morning my first stop is You've come a long way but there is still more to go.
Please do not put my name into the contest. I have a wonderful Sena case that I use and many that I don't!
Thanks for four good years and I can happily say, "Four more years!" Or should I say, "More more years" :D
I think I discovered PPCT on Brighthand while I was reading up on information about the latest and greatest iPAQ of the time.
I came here lurked for a while then joined and subscribed :)
Keep up the excellent work! :wink:
10-20-2004, 01:29 PM
i have found pocket pc thoughts looking into the web. 0X 0X 0X
10-20-2004, 01:31 PM
I came over here after hearing about PPCT over on Brighthand. Hard to believe it's been four years and ?? Pocket PCs ago.....
Happy Birthday PPCTs.
This has been the best and most informative and constructive forum I had ever visited.
I found it on Google after I placed my order for X5 late 2002. Coming from Palm OS, I needed the very basic tutorial on PPC. I found a good mine :D.
I want to thank, not just Jason, but also the staff and all the members to make this an educational and fun experience.
Hmm, it sounds like a speech :mrgreen:. But I really do mean it. Kudos to all members.
10-20-2004, 01:32 PM
I found this site during one of the Pocket PC Passion outages a while back. I believe it was when they were having the Frontpage problems. I have found this site to contain the most updated information about the PPC world and it's my first stop daily when checking up on the latest PPC news! :D
10-20-2004, 01:32 PM
Well, I do remember the announcement in the MS Newsgroups. I remember all of the flak flying around at the time, too. From what I do recall, there was at least one person who really didn't like Jason. Anyway, I was intrigued enough to visit, but my primary device at that time was a Jornada 720, so the site held little to interest me.
Last year I bought a 2215 and this site has since become one of my favorites - so much so that I was willing to become a paying supporter of the site. Of course, I've had some benefits from that as well, so I think my membership has paid for itself by now.
Congrats, Jason!
-Pete Schott
10-20-2004, 01:33 PM
I'm not sure. PocketPcPassion was around then, I must have probably followed some recommendation. Or a link in PocketPcMag Best Sites...
10-20-2004, 01:33 PM
I found this site via a link from another pocketpc site, although I forget which. That was around the time of the 3630 and I was discovering all the in's and out's of Pocketpc's. I eventually bought a 3630, a day outside the free upgrade period for pocketpc 2002! Back in the old days when we had OS upgrades! :roll:
10-20-2004, 01:33 PM
Frankly, I don't know how I found out about your site. But what I know is: since my very first visit this site is on the very top of my IE links and the first I visit every morning. Keep it going, Jason.
10-20-2004, 01:33 PM
I was looking to buy my first pocket pc (iPAQ 3630) and found it through Google (or possibly Altavista), now I tell my friends about it :)
10-20-2004, 01:36 PM
I found pocket pc-thoughts via the web when I was considering getting mu dell axim x5. Great site :) .. Been back very regularly since.
10-20-2004, 01:37 PM
Congratulations! I wasn't aware it was launched october 2000!
My first visit here was back in november 2000, after I replaced my Palm by a fantastic (at the time) Jornada 548.
Since then, almost on a daily basis.
I discovered this site through Google or from a link at The Gadgeteer, don't remember anymore.
Keep up the good work! :D [/list]
10-20-2004, 01:45 PM
The Apple Newton was my first PDA. I remember reading a review on a case or something over on the Gadgeteer website, I picked up a link from there.
Had to really think back to retrieve that memory!
10-20-2004, 01:45 PM
My first PPC was an iPAQ 3670 issued from my office and sucked. It was second hand and was so abused. I saw the potential in a PPC and had to buy my own. An eBay visit later I was the owner of an Axim X5. I found aximsite thanks to a google search and from there found PocketPCThoughts. Now I'm on my 3rd PPC, a Toshiba e805 (another ebay visit later!) and I must be one of your biggest bandwidth abusers. I visit anywhere from 10-20 times a day at work, and at least twice at home either from my e805 or from my desktop. A big round of thanks to the fine folks who run this site.
10-20-2004, 01:50 PM
singaporean here, followed a link on, a local ppc enthusuaists webby, and i am... :D
10-20-2004, 01:56 PM
I found this site via Brighthand which I orginally found while googling for an Ipaq 4150 review.
People in the forums there kept making reference to something called "PPCT". For an absolute age I had no idea what they were referring to until I was brave enough to PM someone and ask them.
10-20-2004, 02:02 PM
i joined only a few weeks back but have been a reader of for a long time.
it all started when the first casio pda with a color display was presented (must be 5-6 yeahr back) thats where my interest in ppcs started but it took me another 4 years to get one (Pocket loox 600).
I looked around for good ppc sites for a long time and i found a good pocket loox site and and was a frequent reader but then the main editor Wes of PDABuzz left and so did i somehow i bought a hp2210 in 2003 an found that has frequent updates with interesting news.
Since that time when wes left PDABuzz i have been reading but i dont know how i got here.
love this site anyway and read it everyday
10-20-2004, 02:09 PM
I found this site thought friend and have been here almost daily since then.
10-20-2004, 02:12 PM
I found this site by a remark from a forum user at PocketPCPassion.
It has been a wonderful site for news, reviews, and reader ideas.
I feel like I think someone who is in withdrawal would feel when the site is down for some technical reason.
Thanks for your efforts.
10-20-2004, 02:12 PM
I found it through a search engine and joined after a few months filtering through the other sites. It's still the best out there.
Thanks Jason for keeping up the quality.
10-20-2004, 02:14 PM
I read an article in a PSION user magazine, I think. I moved from my Psion 5 mx to a Compaq 3650 shortly later.
10-20-2004, 02:18 PM
I'm sure I got it from PocketPCPassion, but when... 2000 or 2001...
10-20-2004, 02:19 PM
I belive I followed a link from, but it was so long ago I don't really remember.
I do know that since I have found the site it is my home page site on all of my machines, home, work, laptop and ppc. It is the first site I read in the morning and usually the last one I goto at night.
Thanks Jason for a wonderful site and the countless hours you put into it!
10-20-2004, 02:19 PM
Found PPCTs from a link given in Brighthand - a long long time ago.
PPCTs has been a morning read ever since...
Paul Martin
10-20-2004, 02:21 PM
Boy, it's hard to remember. It was probably an announcement in the original windowsce newsgroup. I've been following Jason's sites since the FAQ's for windows ce. PPCT has kept me informed and helped me dream about the day I could afford one! :D I missed the fist round, but was able to pick up a Jornada 568 at the end of it's life cycle. It's still my daily driver.
Pocket PC Thoughts is still the only site I visit daily (ok, multiple times per day...sorry for the server load! :mrgreen:
10-20-2004, 02:22 PM
I used to visit PDABuzz daily and loved the forum comunity that began growing there... I really don't remember what happened, but the owner left, and the site turned 100% Palm oriented...
The comunity splitted, mainly between brighthand and smaller sites, I tried brighthand but didn't like the strict code and rules they had for posting. Asking around I came to find this site, and like most of you have already posted, It's the first on my list of daily browsing.
Jason and the team, thank you very much for providing an excelent place for all of the PPC fanatics to keep up to date with news, products, and to help each other or rant about corporate desitions, manufacturer stupidity, or any other weird geeky stuff.
And last but not least I want to thank all my fellow PPCThoughts devotees for making this place what it is.
10-20-2004, 02:25 PM
I found this site a while back from pocketpc passion. This and their site was the only two sites I used to visit.
Did I mention my Birthday is Oct 29? :)
10-20-2004, 02:26 PM
I started frequenting your site shortly after it began, looking for how best to use my Casio E-115. It's hard to say how I found the site, but I'd guess it would have been Google, and I've been reading it twice a day every since.
Keep up the great work!
Sven Johannsen
10-20-2004, 02:28 PM
Wow, I not sure I recall how I found this. Seems like it would have been earlier than Feb 2002 though. My best guess would be a link on the MS newsgroups or at PocketPCPassion (hopeing for a resurrection there). Don't what linked to what though. Begs the age old question...what came first, the thoughts or the passion.
I'll take a Sena case for my X50, if that's OK.
10-20-2004, 02:32 PM
I found your site while browsing Pocket PC Magazines site. It was found under the Best Sites section.
This is a great site. I now frequent it more than I do Pocket PC magazine.
10-20-2004, 02:32 PM
I also :google:'d my way in.
I got my first ppc last year, and when I had some minor problems and questions I was refered to this forum by a coworker.
Jason has been very helpful with a couple of my questions along with others on this web site.
Thanks to all.
I dont post very often but I do read it every day
10-20-2004, 02:37 PM
Congratulations Jason! :D
I guess I've been a forum user since February 2002, but I started checking out the site before that time. I think I heard about it from someone at the Brighthand forums.
10-20-2004, 02:38 PM
Link from The Gadgeteer 8)
10-20-2004, 02:39 PM
I went from a handspring visor deluxe to a palm Vx and for graduation from college I got a 1910. It was so new that I did a google search for comparisoins between the palm OS and the pocket pc. You have a wonderful forum to help people making the switch. It helped me make the most of my ppc and I have in turn converted many palm friends and sent them to this site. I have subscribed and come here everyday. Thanks for such a great site. (although, my daily reading makes me daily want a new pocket pc).
10-20-2004, 02:50 PM
I actually was working for FranklinCovey at the time and during a Christmas sales contest in 2002 I won an iPAQ 3835 and since I had been a Palm User previously I didn't truly have an idea of what I could do with a Pocket PC. While searching for info on PPC's on Metacrawler I found a site "PocketPCPassion", and while traversing that site(RIP) I came across a link for "Pocket PC Thoughts" and even while venturing however shortly back to the POS side (a horrible experience with a Tungsten E) I always checked in at Pocket PC Thoughts, to keep up to date. I've been feeling pretty guilty about not getting a subscription and yet visiting the site religiously, but I'll be doing that shortly. Either way I wanted to say thanks for all your hard work, and the info your site provides to the PPC community. BTW, I'm now happily involved with a Dell Axim X30 Mid, and won't ever be going back to the POS.
10-20-2004, 02:51 PM
I found the site shortly after you opened...I can't remember how but I am pretty sure it was a web search of some sort. Must have been Yahoo becasue I don't think Google was even around back then (if it was then "Google" definitely wasn't yet a verb).
Kevin Jackson
10-20-2004, 02:52 PM
I found PPCT a little over a year ago via :google:. I had just purchased my first PPC and wanted a site where I could get reviews of software and advice on how best to utilize my new toy -- I mean "tool". Anyway, I hit the motherlode when I found this site and have been a very happy member ever since.
Congrats on 4 years, and here's to many more ahead. :beer:
10-20-2004, 02:53 PM
Jason and folks! CONGRATULATIONS!!! It's amazing that it has been four years already. I first came to PPCT from a Yahoo search after purchasing a 3630. This is one of my must-read-every-day-sites and I wish you guys (and gals) all the best!
10-20-2004, 02:53 PM
My friend was considering getting a new iPaq, and refered me to this site. I never knew how much of the Pocket PC world I was missing! This is a great site and great community. :way to go:
10-20-2004, 02:54 PM
I actually was told about the site from a person I was writing a traffic ticket to. I had the person in my police car and was writing the ticket out when he saw my pda. We ended up talking about pda's and he told me about this site. I come here several times a day now, although I dont post alot. Oh ya I did give the guy a break and ripped up the ticket.
10-20-2004, 02:54 PM
I believe I first found out about this site from another PocketPC website, Brighthand perhaps.
I liked the look of the site, and also the message boards, so I stayed! :)
Gadget Guy
10-20-2004, 03:03 PM
Have been a long time reader for years now, just don't post a lot. Found the site through another site (PDABuzz - way back when it was run by Wes!).
Keep up the good work!
10-20-2004, 03:04 PM
Originally saw a reference to the site on the now defunct PocketPCPassion site when I got my first PPC -iPaq 3630
10-20-2004, 03:04 PM
I first found this site as a link from another site. Now, I don't even remember or use the former site. I first visited Pocket PC Thoughts about two years ago on an occassional basis, just lurking. This year I began reading it everyday to stay on top of what's happening. Also, I am the pleased owner of a new HP hx4705 and am trying to master all the potential of this great machine. Pocket PC Thoughts helps with info and reviews.
Thanks for being here. :D
10-20-2004, 03:09 PM
It was so long ago....but I'm pretty sure that it was a link from Dale's PocketPCPassion that led me here. :D
10-20-2004, 03:15 PM
What....this guy in our user group has a PPC website.....OK...I'll shift my attention from Brighthand and check it out 8)
10-20-2004, 03:16 PM
I learned about this site through PDAbuzz almost 2 years ago.
10-20-2004, 03:17 PM
I agree with some others: it was a long time ago, so my memory of my first visit here is a bit sketchy. My guess is that after I bought my old Casio EM-500, I searched Google for anything PPC related, and ended up at this site, which immediately became my home for all things Pocket PC.
10-20-2004, 03:18 PM
Oh man. It's been so long ago and so many models later I forget. :lol: I think it was back in early 2001 when the Casio 125's caught my eye. I saw it and was just mesmerized. After I bought it, I went to google to get more information and software and this site popped up. It had the most information and updated more frequently than other sites back then. This place has the best user layout and readability along with a great community of support. And since then, I've been popping over here everyday!!! Yeah, I've got nothing but time. :mrgreen:
10-20-2004, 03:18 PM
Oh, boy 3 years ago - what was it that I used to find you. I believe it was from another pocketpc site using a link exchange banner - forgot what site that was. but defenitely worth that click for it changed the the way i will look at PPC and got my first ipaq 3600
10-20-2004, 03:19 PM
I've been visiting this site since day one, when I was using my Jornada 680 H/PC. I'm not sure if I came from the newsgroups, brighthand, or It might have been an announcement from one of Jason's old sites (the Velo FAQ perhaps?)
Congratulations, Jason, on 4 great years! This is the best site (PDA or otherwise) around.
10-20-2004, 03:22 PM
When Spb ran their Pocket PC usage survey a few months ago, they listed the most popular Pocket PC sites, allowing people to check those they visited often. Pocket PC Thoughts was pretty high on that list, so I stopped by.
I ignored the site for a few months until I was getting ready to purchase my iPAQ hx4700, then started casting around again to see who had anything interesting to say about the new iPAQs or Pocket PCs in general. Your site came up again, and I've been a regular visitor ever since.
10-20-2004, 03:23 PM
I found a link at or Brighthand about 4 years ago. I was already to buy a Visor when I saw that Pocket PCs were about to be released. I came here, found the lowdown on Pocket PCs and never looked back. I check this site at least 5 times a day.
10-20-2004, 03:25 PM
How did I find this site? It was a referral from the friends over at
I got pointed to them when I got my Toshiba E800 because of MyVGA and from there, I found other three main sources of PPC info are now, and since I've moved to an hx4700 :)
10-20-2004, 03:29 PM
Pretty sure I saw a link to PPCT on Dale's .
Since I've found PPCT I visit it several times a day 6 days a week!!!
10-20-2004, 03:29 PM
I think it was the day I was looking through the list of top sites on PocketPC Central.
Once I found you, I have checked your site literally every day for the last couple of years.
Thanks for the great job.
I joined up only a short time ago. I purchased my first pocket pc in the summer, wanting to try out the pocket pc idea. I had a Palm device however I really really didn't like it. Trying out a Windows Mobile device made me want to actually purchase a device with that operating system.
I haven't regretted that decision, but I ran into an interesting problem, which is not knowing what websites to check out. I heard of Brighthand a couple MILLION times, however I wanted more than just one source. A friend told me about this website and I have been checking it out ever since mainly because, out of all my sources, this source has the most up to date news (or, to put it in another way, this source has something interesting to read everyday).
Irregardless of the fact that I will most likely not win a Sena case from this contest (it would be awesome if I did!!), I still thought that I could fill that curiousity gap that you had about the people who come here everyday.
Keep up the good work, for this site is certainly one to check out once if not many times a day. :)
10-20-2004, 03:30 PM
I've been a Palm OS user for the last 6 years, starting with the Palm III and ending with the Sony NZ-90, with many devices in between. I first heard about PPCT on the ClieSource and PalmOneCity (now combined into 1Src ( forums approximately 5 months ago.
When Sony decided to pull out of the US and European markets, there was a lot of discussion from 1Src community members that wanted to move to another platform. Several people started asking for alternative sites to visit, similiar to 1Src, but with content focused on the other manufacturers and operating systems. For PocketPC's, PPCT was the most recommended site. I decided to take a look, and have been a daily visitor ever since. My once daily, sometimes hourly, visits to 1Src have just about ceased.
I still haven't purchased a PocketPC (decided to wait until the VGA devices were available). More than likely I'll end up with the new Axim or the iPaq 4700, but I'm waiting until I can get some hands on experience with those and other devices before I make a final decision. I have a T-Mobile Sidekick as well, so HP's 6315 is a possibility that would allow me to consolidate my devices, though I'd really like to have VGA. Decisions, decisions...
I'd like to say a quick Thank You to Jason and the rest of the PPCT staff ( You've provided a great site, and service, to the handheld community!
10-20-2004, 03:31 PM
I have to say that If I remember correctly google brought me here, and I check the site at least twice every day!!
Happy Birthday again!!
10-20-2004, 03:34 PM was interduced to me by a friend, after a few visits i started coming back to this site > daily.
10-20-2004, 03:36 PM
I found you through PocketPCPassion. I devoured each and every posting and article on both sites and visit here every day, usually several times a day. As far as I am concerned, your site is THE source for Pocket PC news and opinion!
Here's to another four years! And Beyond!
10-20-2004, 03:37 PM
I started with a Handspring Palm and was ready to move to the PocketPC platform. My son had a PocketPC and contacted a friend who recommended this site as a way to learn more.
It did the trick. My wife has my "old" hp 5455 and I just got hx4705.
10-20-2004, 03:41 PM
I found it through Pocket PC Passion. This is my one-stop-shop for my PPC news fix.
Ryan Joseph
10-20-2004, 03:44 PM
After I got my first Pocket PC, I went looking online for sites about them. I found PPCT, but didn't hang around much. I remember signing up for the weekly email newsletter but that was all. I really enjoyed getting the emails every week and finally one day, I thought, "Why am I just sitting here waiting for the emails every week?!"
So I went back to the site and started reading the news and posts. That was over a year ago. I haven't looked back. I love it here!
Oh, and on a side note, I've recently begun participating in another site's forum (non-PPC related) and I just want to say that it just makes me love it even more here. People on that site are mean and argue with each other and get off topic all the time and have signatures three times the size of their original post, etc. It's not nearly as cool as PPCT. So well done, Moderators and everyone else! This place is great!
10-20-2004, 03:47 PM
The very first Pocket PC web site I ever went to was PocketPCPassion. Many people posted links to other PocketPC sites including: PocketPCThoughts. Been a member ever since - you're part of my daily regimen of tech influx! 0X
10-20-2004, 03:55 PM
I have been looking for sites like this since I received my Sharp YO organizer for Christmas 1996. I then bought a Compaq C140 in November 1997, a Philips Nino 312 in March 1999. I found your site by a link from John Cruise Pocket pc site after purchasing my Casio E200 in MAy 2002. I too have been reading news here daily ever since. I have since bought a New never used Philips Nino 500 and my current main machine the Hitachi G1000.
Thanks for the great site, the information has been top notch.
10-20-2004, 03:56 PM
It's been so long now I can't be sure, but I think I came to this site from a link at PPC Passion.
10-20-2004, 03:56 PM
Wow it's so far back I can hardly remember. I think it was something I saw posted on the Microsoft site. Or it could justof been one of those random searches. Could we Google back then?
I also remember the old sites. All text and very little graphics the web was a very different place back then. Get on the internet with dial up and then ISDN and now broadband. It was just a matter of typing your name and your email address and then your comments. Which some people abused slightly.
I use other sites but with my hand on heart this is THE most friendly and co-operative site i've ever been to and not just for pocketpc's.
You come hear and have a laugh and hear the latest it's just like going to the pub with your mates!
10-20-2004, 03:57 PM
I found PPCT through Google a couple of years ago when I decided to look into PocketPCs. I lurked for a long time waiting for the PPC prices to go down a little bit. Once the Dell's started coming out, I stopped lurking and started posting.
Jonathon Watkins
10-20-2004, 03:59 PM
I first saw this site at PDABuzz and a few months later, when the site disintegrated, I checked out all the PPC websites and settled here as it was (and is :wink:) the best one. :mrgreen:
10-20-2004, 04:10 PM
I think I followed a link from PocketPC Passion to get here the first time. My favorite memory was the awesome Christmas giveaway two year's ago. that was awosome (and I didn't win a thing).
10-20-2004, 04:11 PM
I first found Pocket PC Thoughts after a co-worker forwarded me a link from one of your front page articles in 2003. I think it was related to the iPaq 4355, which I finally ended up buying. Your forums have been incredibly helpful in getting to know my iPaq, navigating WM2003, dealing with HP's crappy tech support, and finding great apps to install. My PPC is so much a part of me now that my wife told me she thinks of it as my mistress! (uh oh) Thanks, I guess...
10-20-2004, 04:12 PM
Well, I used to go to Brighthand all the time for my PPC news, but after being linked to this site all the time and observing its great community as well as many more news articles (and on a much broader spectrum for that matter!), PPC Thoughts became my favorite! I think I switched about a year ago after I got my iPaq 2210.
HAPPY BIRTHDAY! And thanks for the amazing site! :werenotworthy:
10-20-2004, 04:21 PM
I saw links to the PocketPC Thoughts forums over at Brighthand and became a regular visitor.
10-20-2004, 04:23 PM
I clicked on a link from another site, but I honestly can't remember what site it was. Now I check this site many times a day. I'm addicted!
10-20-2004, 04:30 PM
Have been an almost daily reader from the very first days. Must have googled it, or yahooed it, (much more common back then).
Came in first for the tech tips and user forums, get help and help others. How many times has everyone described the "My Documents" folder and how to close applications?
Now mainly in for the news of the day.
Thanks for the long run.
10-20-2004, 04:31 PM
well when I was first looking into getting a Pocket PC I went to google to see if i could find anywhere someone had posted their Thoughts on Pocket PCs. First link was PPCT and the rest is history.
Thanks for the great website, the almost hourly updates (roughly) and all the great tips on new software and devices.
Most websites I frequent may get visited once or twice a week or month, but Pocket PC Thoughts (and Google) get at least 20-30 visits a day.
Looking forward to the next article,
Love Matt
10-20-2004, 04:31 PM
I remember finding this site about 2 1/2 years ago by following a link from
I also remember saying holy &^%$! :jawdrop: , this is excatly what I have ben looking for to help me with my ppc.
Rob Alexander
10-20-2004, 04:33 PM
Way back in the depths of time, I was making a decision between buying a Palm Pilot or waiting for one of these new Windows CE Handheld PCs I'd read about. I'd played with a friend's Palm Pilot, but I was really impressed by the description of this new Velo1 that was coming out. Unfortunately, I couldn't lay my hands on one to see what they were really like so it made for a difficult decision. (I lived in New Zealand and they weren't going to be sold there for nearly a year.)
Then came a post in the Windows CE newsgroup from this guy named Jason Dunn who had gotten one of the first Velos and done a totally awesome review of it. His review convinced me that an HPC was just what I needed and I ordered a Velo1 to be shipped in from the US. I never regretted that and I hung around the newsgroups off and on while Jason was an MVP, and just kind of naturally followed him from there to the Pocket PC newsgroup and finally along to his own blog. I haven't always agreed with Jason, but I've always enjoyed the discussion, and he brought that element with him to PPCT.
Jason, congratulations on four years of PPCT!!! :way to go:
10-20-2004, 04:37 PM
Through Avantgo actually. After buying my 3670 I setup different channels and stumbled onto
I've been a daily visitor ever since. :D
10-20-2004, 04:40 PM
Joined in March 2004
Found pocketpcthoughts from a link from another PDA site, can't remember which though.
10-20-2004, 04:41 PM
Oh yes.. I remember, a friend actually gave me a Ipaq 3600. (he had multiples) I was so spun because it had color and was not a Palm Pilot.
He suggested I lookup a site Pocket Thoughts (or something like that)
glad I found you guys..
Happy BDay Thoughts.. and congrats
10-20-2004, 04:47 PM
I was looking for a good PPC site when I got my Tosh e330 and I found out about PPCT while going through posts in Brighthand...and it was easier to find information, though I forgot what information I was looking for. :lol:
10-20-2004, 04:47 PM
I first came to PPCTs shortly after purchasing my first PPC in August 2002. I think I did a Google search for "Pocket PC" and this is one of the first sites that I checked out. PPCTs quickly became my favorite PPC site and I have visited almost daily ever since. I enjoy the front page news as well as the excellent reviews here. I don't post often, but I do read a lot!
10-20-2004, 04:48 PM
Happy birthday PPCT!
I found PPCT through a link someone posted on Brighthand.
10-20-2004, 04:48 PM
My first PocketPC was a hp2215, a wonderful handheld! Originally, I was addicted to Brighthand for all my technical forum matters, only because people seem to use their forums way more. But then, after I became more experienced working with the PocketPC, I found that I was more interested in developments in the PocketPC realm, so about 7 months ago up to this day, I found this site from Brighthand and now regularly visit this site at least once a day to see what's going on. I've also discovered gadget places like Engadget and Gizmodo, but PocketPCThoughts is a URL that I always type in first, right after the New York Times (I just like to type URLs in for some reason when I go to my favorite sites)! Now, I have a hp4150, and I can't wait to see what new things emerge in the PocketPC world!
Happy Belated Birthday PPCThoughts!
10-20-2004, 04:51 PM
I came here approx. 2yrs ago, following a link from, I think. I was using Psion (3a, 3c, Siena, 3c backlight, 5mx, 5mx PRO) before, had also tried GeoFox and when Psion went out of business and my Psion decided he no longer wanted to work for me, it was time to get something new....
I then bought an 2nd hand ipaq 3760, and now it's just about getting time to get a new machine - the Axim X50 looks very nice, although I'm still hoping some clever company will launch a machine with kbd. I wonder what happened to the sexy prototype from HP which was mentioned here while ago - does anybody (not under NDA) know...?
10-20-2004, 04:55 PM
I think I originally found the site from that was a few years ago, I definately visit ppt everyday! :mrgreen:
10-20-2004, 04:58 PM
I found Pocket PC Thoughts through David Prahl before I had a PPC. Because of David's gentle proding with his pitch fork I bought an Axim X5 and have been a lurker here ever since!
My Thanks and Congratulations to Jason and all his helpers and sponsors! I've purchased several pieces of software because I saw them advertised and discussed here!
10-20-2004, 04:59 PM
I also can't remember how I first got my age, there's a lot I can't remember. I know it was before the current membership date-tracking.
My first PPC was an iPAQ 3630 in the summer of 2000, and the forums on Brighthand kept me sane (I remember lots of posts from TinMan on wireless connectivity). Then there was PPCPassion and PDABuzz; one of them must have led me here. I found this to be the most interesting and friendly combination of on-topic and off-topic articles and advice, so I've been here almost daily ever since.
I've never had a Sena case, but the upcoming blue and black case for my hopefully upcoming iPAQ 4700 looks very attractive. :)
10-20-2004, 05:01 PM
A guy here at work pointed me to the site when my Palm V died a few months ago and I mentioned I was thinking about a PPC. Now I'm patiently waiting for my X50v. Waiting....waiting...waiting...
I can't really remember how I found this site either. It was probably a link from or waaaay back in the days of the casio em500 & original ipaq.
Thinking about it, I got my first pocketpc almost 4 years ago now.... sometime in early Nov 2000 I got the Casio.
10-20-2004, 05:09 PM
That seems so very long ago, I have been comming here as one of my must check sites for a very long time (Just never been very active in the forums) I believe I fount PPCT thru the Microsoft User Groups. I first met Jason on the LA stop of the Mobility Tour in 2001 that PPCfest was Outstanding!!!
Barry :wink:
10-20-2004, 05:13 PM
I found this site through another of my favorite sites-Pocket PC Passion. I purchased a PPC when they first came out in April of 2000 and haven't looked back since. Because of these marvelous devices I've learned even more about computers and technology and have made many new friends. Thank you Pocket PC Thoughts and Pocket PC!
10-20-2004, 05:19 PM
I found your site on Brighthand. You had scooped some info. on one new handheld or another.
I really enjoy PPCT. It's very informative and regularly updated with the latest news and information. I visit just about daily.
Thanks for the great site!
10-20-2004, 05:21 PM
I was reading a post on Pocket PC City and it referred to PPC Thoughts. Cruised over there and was hooked.
Jon Westfall
10-20-2004, 05:24 PM
Found it through Google, kept coming back for the people.
10-20-2004, 05:24 PM
I found Pocket PC Thoughts through the Yahoo search engine - I finally stopped denouncing PDAs as a waste of money and decided to try one out. Now I'm using the iPAQ 4355 and am eyeing the Dell X50v or equivalent... can't wait until prices come down!
I've made PPCT my start page on one of my computers just so I can check with gadget goodies are available - I love how this site reaches beyond PPCs and posts new things about technology as well.
Keep up the great work! :D
10-20-2004, 05:25 PM
I can't say that I have a real exciting story, but if I recall I was trying to find out more about why my Toshiba e740 sucked so much!!!
<brown-nosing> So I would have to say Google let me see the light and your site illuminated and enriched my Pocket PC using experience. I've since upgraded to an iPaq4150 and am looking longingly at the new Dell X50.
Being a Mac user your site/forum were especially helpful in answering a lot of windows type questions. It's a great read and I really appreciate the site! </end brown-nosing>
10-20-2004, 05:25 PM
I just purchased my first and only Pocket PC in December, 2001 - an iPAQ 3850, which I'm using to this day. I was searching the web for info on a problem I was having - the backlight wouldn't always come on after it was turned off by holding the power button down, and I was soft-resetting it several times a day. I discovered this site and it instantly became my home page for a very long time. I joined in February, 2002 and while I haven't posted frequently, to this very day I hit this page at least once per day (I know, I know - get an RSS reader...just not there yet). There's so much great stuff posted here, and the discussions are wonderful! Many congratulations, Jason - from a fellow God-fearin', bass-playin', technology lovin'/hatin' Canuck.
10-20-2004, 05:29 PM
I did a lot of research using Google to find the best PPC for my needs, the software I'd need, the accessories to buy, etc. Pocket PC Thoughts was one of those valubale resources that provided forums and reviews to create and prioritize my shopping list at the end of July of this year.
10-20-2004, 05:33 PM
I also found Pocket PC Thoughts through the Yahoo search engine. I had just left the dark side (Palm Visor) and gotten an Ipaq 3600. I was searching for knowledgeable sites to learn about PPC. Thoughts has certainly met that requirement and more. I am proud to be a lifetime member and encourage others to join as well.
10-20-2004, 05:35 PM
I've been reading PPCT for about 2.5 years. I first came across PPCT when I was looking for a site that gave good updates around PPC products, issues, usages, etc. I started looking at the mobile sites found on PocketPC Mag. I now check PPCT at least once a day. Often several more time.
It is a great site. Happy Birthday PPCT!
10-20-2004, 05:36 PM
Wow, it's been quite a while. I think I heard of the site from ( now
Thanks for the contest !!
10-20-2004, 05:49 PM
Hey Jason, Congratulations on your website! It's great. A Friend refferred me about a year ago.
This is the only Forum I read everyday (2-3 times). The only other website I check on a daily basis is the Bolivian Newspaper.
Thanks for the information!
P.S. Am I the only member from Bolivia, South America?
If I recall correctly I had found PPCT right after it opened in original text format (under my previous username). I'd bought the very first iPAQ model from the first production batch as soon as it came out. It was fortuitous timing as that was exactly when I coincidentally was planning to buy my first PDA anyway (thus I never started with a Palm, and have not bought one yet). Had been bitten by the PPC technolust bug from the get-go and the first thing I'd done was to seek out online enthusiast sites...
Remember the old days of the original trio Brighthand, Dale's Pocket PC Passion, and Pocket PC Thoughts? :) I should note PPCT is the only one I've paid money to (PPCT Deluxe lifetime subscription when it was first offered).
I followed a tip from another PDA website - can't remember which...
PocketPCThoughts has been my homepage for the last two years. Keep up the good work.
10-20-2004, 05:54 PM
I found pocket pc thoughts last summer, when I was lookingfor a new pocket pc to replace my IPAQ 3635. I loved my Ipaq, but had never really been to a dedicated site since buying it in 2001. Since finding Pocket PC thoughts I must visit at least 20 times a day. It is probably the best Pocket PC site I have ever been to :D. Congrats to 4 Years :)
10-20-2004, 05:58 PM
I don't remember how long ago I found Pocket PC Thoughts. I do remember when there wasn't that much to talk about with these great devices, though. I remember there being a WindowsCE web ring with a handful of sites in it. We didn't have much in the way of third part software either.
Anyway, I think I found it via a post on in a thread where you were supposed to list your favorite PDA web sites. I started making a list of all the cool ones and this is probably the only one I still visit every day. I found this site and BrightHand that day. Anyway, keep up the great work. I love the site!
Oh, and HAPPY BIRTHDAY!! :lol:
10-20-2004, 06:04 PM
Man it was only two months ago & already I've forgotten. But I think I found it with Yahoo. I had fallen in love with the Mitac Mio 168 & was gathering info while I waited for my birthday to roll around. My birthday is still two days away but the wait proved too much. I've had my first PPC for a month now & my birthday isn't for another two days yet.
Now I have nothing to look forward to this birthday. Perhaps I should never have found this site.........Nah
I'm almost positive it was Yahoo.
10-20-2004, 06:07 PM
Congratulations to Jason and the whole team, and Happy Birthday to PPCT :D
It must have been late 2001 that I discovered PPCT, and while I can't be sure how I discovered it, I can't help thinking it was probably via a Google search, as I scrambled to learn more about those little devices we've all spent so much time and money on since :?
10-20-2004, 06:07 PM
A couple years ago, when I was making the switch from palm to ppc, I picked up an issue of PocketPC magazine. PocketPCThoughts was listen in an article in the back of the issue. I think it's the best resource out there for PPC information.
10-20-2004, 06:11 PM
I came to PocketPC Thoughts through a referral link from Brighthand back in 2001. My first PPC was the HP Jornada 548.
10-20-2004, 06:17 PM
I followed a link here from PocketPCPassion about a week or two after I got my first PocketPC. No offense meant to Dale's site which was wonderful, but PPCT almost instantly became my favorite.
10-20-2004, 06:20 PM
I think Brighthand was the first PPC site I started reading when I switched from Palm to PPC. There was a post in the forum that led me to PPCT. I've been hooked ever since. I like the "regular guy" kind of style of PPCT, and that is what has made it my first stop for things PPC!
10-20-2004, 06:30 PM
When I moved from palm to PPC, I googled! This has been on my favorites ever since :)
10-20-2004, 06:38 PM
My first visit must of been mid 2001 I guess. I can remember the change to grey matter and the fun that involved.
My first ppc was a 3600 series that I convinced my boss was a vital business tool :)
10-20-2004, 06:44 PM
I've been around for quite a while and "believe" that I originally found this site from mention made on another PPC site --
This site and Brighthand are my two most frequently visited sites on the web... Great job!
10-20-2004, 06:52 PM
I think I first came accross ppc thoughts in the discussion forums at the now terminally ill This is now, by far, the best pocket pc site. Keep up the good work!
Iznot Gold
10-20-2004, 07:02 PM
Two weeks after buying my first PPC, I was looking for help....& Googled up Thoughts...& have never looked back!
10-20-2004, 07:14 PM
Google, baby! And PPCPassion.
Mitch D
10-20-2004, 07:22 PM
I can't actually remember how I stumbled across PPCT, it was either via Google search for PPC sites or via a link from another site. I know it was the same day I brought home my first PPC device (IPAQ3830) and I was excited to see what sites where out there. After some searching I came across PPCT and have been here ever since.
10-20-2004, 07:29 PM
Well, let me list in memory...
It was a :google: . When I bought my first (and so far the only) Pocket PC back more than a year ago, I became more fascinated with it, than I had thought I will. So I begun to look around IT for resources - programs, development tools and of course communities. I found some at Czech neighbours, but they were only 1/3 Pocket PC and 2/3 Palm, so they didn't satisfy me really. Then I begun to look for world-wide ones. I found several - but stayed with the best - PPCT. The thing that I was excited about the most was the frequency in which the News headlines came here (and they still do). Took me several months until I really joined (registered) and begun to watch also forums and (sometimes) respond to them.
10-20-2004, 07:46 PM
I have no idea how I got here but I'm glad I did. I lurked around for a couple of weeks before joining. It's a great site, I hit it up multiple times a day.
10-20-2004, 07:50 PM
If I remember correctly, I saw an article on PPCT mentioned on PocketPCPassion back in 2001. That's when I had first visited the best PPC website. :D
10-20-2004, 08:01 PM
I got here from, back when Jason was a writer for the site. I am pretty sure I clicked on a link on Jason's name or similar and ended up here.
Now it is the first thing I do when I get into work in the mornig and I check back at least 5 times a day.
Thanks for the good times.
10-20-2004, 08:08 PM
I think I found this site either through Brighthand or Palm Addicts. In any case, it's been a great resource, for a long-time Palm user.
10-20-2004, 08:33 PM
I was doing a Google search when I was troubleshooting Axim issues (for work) a couple of years ago. I came upon this site, Brighthand, among others. At first I was reading through every forum every night. Now that I have a baby, time is my limited. Now I only read PocketPCThoughts and Brighthand.
10-20-2004, 08:34 PM
It could only be divine intervention ;)
Especially considering Pocket PC Passion's current state
10-20-2004, 09:09 PM
I've enjoyed PPC thoughts for over 2 years now and found it via (of all places) Dale's - Pocket PC Passion - which I guess is now defunct....
So here's to another year of great reviews and write-ups!
Keep it up! 8)
10-20-2004, 09:20 PM
I came across about PPCThoughts way back when I was researching a replacement for my Palm IIIx (which ended up being a Casio EM500 btw). It was a combination of search engine results and banter on other forums that got me here. I ended up frequenting Brighthand for a while until they went through their "awkward" period (internal struggles?). So I went shopping for a new online forum and found that PPCThoughts had progressed light years from when I had first looked at it. Been here predominantly ever since. Its a tremendous resource.
10-20-2004, 09:32 PM
came around here 2 years ago, recommended by a ppc fanatic friend. :lol:
10-20-2004, 09:43 PM
Fortunately I found this site through Google and am glad I did! PPT is by far the most informative site that I have found for information related to Pocket PCs.
Keep up the most excellent work!
10-20-2004, 10:25 PM
It's been so long since I first started reading PPCT. I remember starting to read it back in late 2000 I believe. Back in the day when was all about the latest gossip and latest hardware/software for the PSPC and PocketPC and was run by a few individuals. But after awhile the domain/site was taken over by some company/business which instead decided to mainly focus on Palm devices and news.
So that left many of us forum junkies to find elsewhere to go for the latest news, tips, and reviews. It was in the PDABuzz forums I saw PPCT mentioned and I decided to check it out. I've been hooked ever since then. Happy belated birthday PPCT, may you exist for eternity! (... so as long as you don't keep making me buy the latest handhelds every other year :P)
10-20-2004, 10:44 PM
suddenly from out of seemingly nowhere a voice spoke: "go ye to the site of for thou shalt be enlighted and blessed beyond thy greatest expectations". it was weird.... it had a sort of electronic sound to it.... on an impulse i took out my Jornada 548. The messege blared across the screen; POCKETPCTHOUGHTS.COM!!! in a marquee style. wondering what had come over my jornada, i ran to the nearest computer and followed the link. my mouth popped and my eyes grew as big as quarters. A site dedicated to pocket pcs!!! words can not express the joy i felt as i quickly joined. man what a great 2 years it has been!
ok ok. i had a strange impulse to write a story.... yeah i came thru the great one... GOOGLE! :werenotworthy: i have gone thru 4 pocket pcs(jornada 548, 568, iPAQ 2215, and iPAQ 4155)since and am loving every minute of it! :D
10-20-2004, 10:46 PM
I came across PPCThoughts by way of Dave's Ipaq forums. Some of it's members raved about this site and the useful info that others could find here so I thought I'd check it out! I've been happy ever since!! :)
10-20-2004, 10:51 PM
I found it in google the day I picked up my jornada 545 while downloading the development tools I think. :D
10-20-2004, 11:11 PM
What a great was either Dale Coffing's site or Brighthand....I've watched this site for a long time....I've had Pocket PCs or Windows Ce devicessince the first days with the Velo, the LG Phenom, HP Jornada, Casio E-1xx series, Sharp Zaurus....all the way through Ipaqs to my current Tosh E805....
Great site....keep up the good work!
Damion Chaplin
10-20-2004, 11:15 PM
Honestly, I found PPCT through a link from Brighthand.
Now I find PPCT much more informative and less formal than Brighthand. Brighthand has maybe one article a day that I'm interested in reading, but you guys usually have one article that I'm NOT interested in reading. Way to go you guys! I recommend PPCT to all of my PPC-using friends.
Thanks for such a great site!
10-20-2004, 11:27 PM
The same way I find all my information... GOOGLE. I have been a daily visitor ever since.
10-20-2004, 11:40 PM
I found 'Pocket PC Thoughts' through a link on the website of the Dutch Pocket-PC Club (
I first visited PPCT about 1.5 years ago.
10-20-2004, 11:48 PM
Did a search on Google for PPC forums and found quite a few sites (3-4 years ago). Pocket PC Thoughts is one of the few I still visit daily (and first).
10-21-2004, 12:03 AM
Good question, long time ago, think it was from a link on pocketpcpassion
10-21-2004, 12:24 AM
I have no recollection of how I came to PPCT. I'm just glad I did. When I converted to a PPC I was looking for the communities out there and came across PPCT.
What I've Owned:
iPAQ 4155, Original iPAQ 3650, Handspring Visor, Original Palm (x2 due to broken screen)
(second hand iMate Smartphone2 on its way in the mail)
10-21-2004, 02:05 AM
Seems I remember looking around for away to remove ink marks from my brand new 2215 and looking through the forums I came across a link here...
Been coming ever since :D
10-21-2004, 02:49 AM
I first heard of PPCT from a link on the pocketpcpassion website (may it rest in peace). After being unable to bring up PPCP for a week or so then sidling over to PPCT, I decided to start with PPCT first and check on PPCP every once in a while.
That once-in-a-while is getting less and less.
10-21-2004, 04:09 AM
I'm another one who first got here through a link (or mention) at Pocket PC Passion. It was March or April 2001, and I was in love with my Casio E-125 (which I still have by the way, even though I have been able to part with one of my 3 subsequently acquired PPCs, and which still functions perfectly). And Thoughts indeed very quickly became my internet "home"!
10-21-2004, 04:22 AM
I first found PocketPCThoughts September 2003. It was funny how I found this site because I was searching through Google, and first found PDAGold and signed up there.
I have always been interested in the Jornada but never had enough money back then. I bought an HP iPaq 2215 blindly, without doing research, bad me - I always research. It turns out; however, this time I made a great choice. I first thought that no one was interested in the PDA because PDAGolds forums aren't quite alive.
I found this site, but went back to PDAGold without realizing how much more alive this site was. I returned and here I am!
10-21-2004, 04:57 AM
I can't quite recall the date, but I believe I googled this site while I was debating the merits of the Palm-Sized Pocket PC vs the HPC I was using at the time. I was quite tied to my keyboard and the almost perfect Act! port that I was using.
Luckily, the fantastic community here helped me make the choices that I did, as the Pocket PC has served my needs well over the last few (can it be 4 already ?!?!?!?) years. Thanks, Guys!
I first came to your site on 10/17/2000. I had just upgraded a couple of months before from a Casio E-105 to a Casio E-115. At that time I was doing a lot searching for good PPC sites. I'm not really sure if I found you via Google or as a link from another site, but since I found your site I've been back almost everyday (in the early days) and now many times a day. I've watched your site change (for the better) over the years. All the format changes, the growing pains, the server problems, you and Ashley getting married, watching the house get built. It's been a great 4 years and I'm looking forward to many more years visiting your site. Keep sharing.
Happy Birthday PocketPCThoughts
Keep up the great work, Jason.
Casio E-105 -> Casio E-115 -> Casio E-200 -> Dell Axim x5
10-21-2004, 08:11 AM
I think that it was mentioned in the Brighthand forums, so I took a look. Since then PPCT has become my must-look site every day.
You guys definitely have THE best PPC site out there - keep it up !
10-21-2004, 08:39 AM
Congrats on the anniversary! You've got an excellent site... I've been visiting PPCT every day for just over a year now. I believe that I found it via Google when I was trying to find some good software reviews for my brand new iPAQ 1945. Still using it today, but can't wait to upgrade to something newer. Just don't care for the new iPAQ designs. If only someone made something sleek and thin like the 4150 or 4350, but with a VGA screen and WM2003SE.
10-21-2004, 08:57 AM
Oh my... Sena cases? Just when I'm about to go on some missions/international travel with my PPC? That would be grand. Just what I'm looking for.
Hard to remember how I found PPCT. It was so long ago. It may have been an ad/link from the likes of Handango or PPCmagazine - that's the most likely scenario. If not, then google... whilst doing a search for a hardware/software review.
10-21-2004, 09:12 AM
I've been a regular visitor and occassional poster for a few years now (don't remember exactly when I first visited). This continues to be the premier PPC site out there. Congrats on the anniversary and keep up the great work!! Oh yeah - I believe I first found the site on Pocket PC Passion.
10-21-2004, 10:17 AM
I came here more than a year ago, most probably through Google, when I got my first PPC, an used Ipaq 3130 which is still around here taking some dust, while I was searching for more info about this sort of "mobile side" of Windows. :wink:
Definitely you can't miss a rich site (in all senses, from the articles to the community) like this!
However, still today I think I can't pronounce its name quite right when I talk about it with friends. :roll:
10-21-2004, 10:40 AM
I had been researching Pocket PCs for a while and subscribed to Pocket PC Magazine and one of their email newsletters mentioned the PPCT site. I am glad it did, because I have been checking it out at least daily for more than a year now.
Well done, and long may it continue.
10-21-2004, 11:43 AM
I found this site via Brighthand. I used to check Brighthand regularly and it is still an interesting place to go to for more general news about PDAs.
In the early days PPC Thoughts probably wasn't as helpful in terms of information as Brighthand (it is now of course) but it was far more interesting and fun. I think that, more than anything is why I visit here so much.
Congratulations on your 4th anniversary, not many sites continually grow and improve over such a long period - long may it continue!
10-21-2004, 12:37 PM
PPCT was listed on the PocketPC Magazine list of Best Sites. I came across it about two years ago. I used to try to take a look at most of those Best Sites every day. But since I have to work for a living :( time does not permit that. Luckily, I can get so much great information from PPCT!
Happy Anniversary! :rainbowafro:
10-21-2004, 01:53 PM
Like many of our colleagues, for the last couple of years PPC Thoughts has been one of the first things I read every day. Just like my first cup of coffee, it is my FIX :mrgreen:
I first came across it via something I read in Dale Coffing's Pocket Passion site. I like Dale's site but I have to say that PPC Thoughts is by far my favorite PPC site. Thanks and keep up the good work!
10-21-2004, 02:22 PM
I believe I googled Pocket PC sites. Even though I'm only an amateur geek (I'm in the restaurant business), I have always tried to max out my tech toys. I found PPCT and have been here nearly every day since. I'm also proud to say I just resubscribed for another year. It's worth every penny.
10-21-2004, 02:23 PM
I found this site through google about two years ago. At the time I was disappointed by the new palm devices and was considering jumping ship to the PPC. This site helped convince me to go with PPC and I have never looked back. Jason, I would like to thank you and your team for putting together such a great site. Keep up the good work.
10-21-2004, 03:00 PM
Oddly enough I first discovered this site by doing a search in Google on cases for my Ipaq 4155. I stumbled across Andy's awesome review ( on cases, and have decided that the Sena is actually the one I'd like!
10-21-2004, 03:11 PM
It's been almost a year ago when a co-worker pointed me to a posting on PPCThoughts. I've been a very regular reader ever since.
Nick T.
10-21-2004, 03:14 PM
I remember Google leading me to PocketPCPassion, which led me here. I was looking for an answer to question long since forgotten.
10-21-2004, 05:03 PM
I Googled my way here when I switched from Sony Clie to a Toshiba PPC. I wanted to find a site that was like ClieSource, I think I found one that was even better (the subscriber perks are great!)
Blimey - you expect me to remember how I found PPCT over 3.5 years ago !!! Must have been a link from a usenet posting.
Good luck PPCT - one of the few sites a visit several times a day.
O yeah to those that haven't ... SUBSCRIBE
10-21-2004, 06:44 PM
I found this great site by chance a couple years ago via the great magical google search.
Pocketpcpassion was down, again (he has all the bad hosting luck doesnt he). I was jonesing for some PPC news so I googled for "PocketPC thoughts idea homepage" I found brighthand and you.
Two great sites. Great job, and HAPPY BIRTHDAY!
It's been quite a while, but I believe I got to your site via PocketPC Magazine.
Since then I have passed your site onto several others who have Pocket PCs, as well as the Digital Media Thoughts page to everyone else! :lol:
Congrats on four years of informative articles!
10-21-2004, 07:21 PM
No way am I going to read all these other comments, so if I say exactly the same thing as someone else, I'm not intending to copy.
I read on some tech news site about this guy that used a PocketPC in his wedding. I thought, "now, he must be a real thrill for the girl to be married to!" <-- read "ultimate nerd; I kinda like this guy". And you had better remember when your wedding was!
On a related note, personal comment to Jason: I miss you mentioning your wife (Ashley, if I remember right) frequently, as you used to do, and she even used to post from time to time. All we hear now is which hand-me-down she has.
10-21-2004, 10:22 PM
Wow, that was a long time ago. I'm pretty sure I discovered the site from either or the newsgroups, those are the only sources I remember before PPCT (most PPC sites since then have come from here or PPCMag.)
10-21-2004, 11:14 PM
First off, thanks for all the great work over the years. I LOVE THIS SITE! I found this site when looking for information about the then upcoming X5 to replace my mono iPaq 3100. Amazing, I am still using the same device. If I win though I will get an x50 case because it will be in my future, probably as soon as I can get a coupon deal on it.
I've only had my iPaq since July, so I've had a lot of catching up to do. I found this website on the Pocket PC Magazine list of best sites (, right near the top. I thought it must be good if it's near the top and it is! I follow the RSS feed and then check things I want to read more about on the website. It's great!
Happy Birthday!
10-22-2004, 12:03 AM
I found PPCTs though and miss being able to post often, but my commute is a killer. I believe it was early 2001 that I started reading.
10-22-2004, 03:21 AM
I discovered Pocket PC Thoughts when Dale Coffing's Pocket PC Passion went offline. I was looking for a news source, and have found PPC Thoughts to be particularly helpful in learning more about my favourite PDA platform!
10-22-2004, 04:42 AM
:D This is the best site for Pocket PC users. I have been trolling for a few months and finally decided to buy my Dell Axim 3 mid after reading all the posts about it. You guys, and ladies, have been a great source of info and help, especially with the wireless network. I found this site through a Pocket PC mag article and resource listing. I use a Treo 300 with Palm 3.5 at work and find my Axim 3 runs circles around any Palm device.
10-22-2004, 04:48 AM
Got here when I got my first CE device, and really started visiting just before I got my toshiba e740 - right after they came out. Thanks for all the good work and keep it up!! :!:
10-22-2004, 06:08 AM
I'm surprised I remember, it was so long ago, but someone in a Brighthand forum mentioned PPCT. I always liked BH but PPCT has long been my PPC home.
10-22-2004, 11:41 AM
If I remember correctly, I found Pocket PC Thoughts via Google. It took me like a whole three days to decide to subscribe!
10-22-2004, 02:33 PM
Been here so long, it's hard to remember. :wink: It was through the Pocket PC newsgroup, I believe.
10-22-2004, 02:45 PM
Cograts on a great 4 years. I first ran across PPCT after getting my "new" iPaq 3650 a few years back. I think I found it on Ask Jeeves. I thik it was 3 years ago. Sice then, have gone through Axim X5 and now an x30. Would love to have a new case. The old one is getting a little rough, Its a Sena case too, and its been the best I've had.
Kent Kyzar
10-22-2004, 03:23 PM
Happy Birthday
What would we do without this site!
Been reading this website ever since my first ppc Jornada 548, Now have 2215 what a difference in hand helds and web sites.
Found this site just surfing.
Keep up the excellent work
10-22-2004, 03:28 PM
I first came to PPC thoughts with my Casio E100! I think I first found out about PPC thought by a crosspost on Brighthand.
10-22-2004, 03:32 PM
I got to this site through a search for reviews on the Dell x50. I am considering a switch from a Palm product. Have almost settled on the x50 due to your review and the generally positive reviews from others. This looks like a great site that may get a lot of visits from me.
10-22-2004, 03:33 PM
I found out about PocketPC Thoughts during an extensive Google search on my old Casio EM-500. I was amazed by the wealth of information and the knowledge that there were plenty of geeks out there just like me :)
10-22-2004, 03:34 PM
I stumbled across this site while looking for reviews of Pocket PC software products. Ever since that moment, my productivity has taken a dive as I can't stop myself from reviewing the site several times a day...
Just hope my manager isn't on here. :oops:
Regards, Britade.
10-22-2004, 03:39 PM
I'm a fairly new subsciber, just about a year. I think I found you through a link. Possibly PocketPC. I always look forward to your newsletter. I'm also new in this field. Your comments help me decide on certain items. Thank you for a wonderful yr.
10-22-2004, 03:44 PM
I found this sight through an internet search a few years ago. It has been very helpful, providing insights on PPC products and software. Keep up the good work!!
10-22-2004, 03:50 PM
I first found PPC Thoughts when I found (via Google) Brian's PDA Optimized Web Site List ( I've been an avid reader ever since and check out the latest news on my Pocket PC at least three times a day!
I discovered PPC Thoughts before I even had a Pocket PC. It was the articles and forums here that led to my PPC purchase and I've never looked back. PPC Thoughts has remained my main source of PPC news.
10-22-2004, 03:55 PM
I first found Pocket PC Thoughts when I was going through SD memory card woes. Figured out it was faulty hardware in the PDA. I also found out about good deals on SD cards after that. Thanks for the "memories" SD or otherwise.
10-22-2004, 04:12 PM
I first found the site from a cross-post from a site that is no longer. When i saw the content on this site, i immediately came over here. As the other site shut down some time ago, I presume that many people did the same.
10-22-2004, 04:14 PM
I found this site while searching for Pocket PC utilities for my new iPaq 4150 using Google. Love the articles and features! Got a seriously good deal on a new SD memory card from this site!
10-22-2004, 04:16 PM
Google was my way. Was looking for a way to get my Linksys CF wifi to work with my Ipaq 2200. Have been visiting often since.
10-22-2004, 04:28 PM
Found out about PocketPCThoughts in a discusion group on Brighthand. So glad I found this spot! I completely rely on the reviews for my PPC purchases. Thanks for great content!
10-22-2004, 04:29 PM
I first found it through our friend, Google (
10-22-2004, 04:30 PM
I came across this site via Google as I was making the slow transition from Palm (Handera 330 - still a beautiful work of engineering) to Pocket PC (Dell Axim X5) and wanted to find information about the Pocket PC platform. For the past couple of years, Pocket PC Thoughts has been the first techie site I read each day, as it provides me with the info I need regarding my PPC. Thanks for a great site!
Jeff Rutledge
10-22-2004, 04:43 PM
I can't recall with certainty, but I believe I heard about PPCT at PDABuzz. It may have been Brighthand, but I don't think so for some reason. Either way it didn't take long for this place to become my main place. :way to go:
10-22-2004, 04:57 PM
I found PocketPC Thoughts while searching for info on PPC's.
I was a Palm IIIc user until January of 2003. The screen on my Palm broke and it wasn't worth fixing. I researched new PDA's and found myself wanting to switch to the PPC. I fired up Google and did a search for the IPAQ 3900 series, and this site popped up! I read a few reviews on all the PPC's and decided on the IPAQ 3970!
A year and a half later, I am still happy with the PPC (I couldn't say that about the palm)! This site always has great info, I'm always informed about the latest in PPC happenings!
10-22-2004, 05:27 PM
This is one of my favorite sites with great info and frequent updates. Found it through links from other sites, but it has ben so long I cannot recall the actual browsing I did at the time. Keep up the great work!
10-22-2004, 05:29 PM
Pretty sure it was Google, possibly through the directory listing. 'Twas when I was first searching for a replacement for my reliable m500. Still come for news on the latest happenings. ;)
10-22-2004, 05:36 PM
Back when I purchased my first PocketPC, a then-just released Toshiba e310 (great little machine), the salesman recommended I check it out. I did, and was totally blown away by all the crazy stuff I could do with my new toy. Been hooked ever since. Thanks for all the advice and entertainment over the years!
10-22-2004, 05:40 PM
I can't remember exactly how I found PPC Thoughts in October of 2003, but it was by randomly clicking links on a developer's site. Most of the sites weren't worth reading, but I'm glad I stuck with this one. Happy Anniversary.
10-22-2004, 05:41 PM
It's really hard to remember for sure. But I think I was looking up some info in the newsgroups and somebody referred me to your site. I can't put my finger on why, but I have to say this is the ONLY site I ever visit and post in regularly. I would say that it's most likely that everyone here seems to share the same passion for gadgets that I do, but it's probably more than that.
I like that we somtimes discuss non-PocketPC items and the "rants" that we all get into from time to time.
Belated happy anniversary to You and the entire Thoughts team.
10-22-2004, 06:36 PM
Hey there...Happy fourth birthday, PPC Thoughts! So let's see...I found this site through a link on 'Dave's Pocket PC' site; I subscribed to the newsletter and have been reading it ever since. I've never signed up to post on a forum before, either, so thank you for piquing my interest. Now gimme my Sena case! :wink: Seriously though, I thoroughly enjoy and gain a lot of knowledge through your website. I've had my HP 2215 for about 6 months and this site has been a great resource.
Trevor Bryant
10-22-2004, 06:45 PM
I found it using a search engine. Not sure if Google or Yahoo at the time. I started visiting in 2002 and have been back nearly every day.
Thomas Diersch
10-22-2004, 08:14 PM
I don't remember, but I remember finding a website that had a whole bunch of icons of sites all related to PPC and I started clicking on them. This is the only one that stuck.
Congrats Jason. Keep up the great work.
:D I found your website by searching for anything under Pocket PC. I enjoy visiting your website. As a novice concerning Pocket PC's I have found lots of very useful infro here and have learnt a lot so thanks heaps.
10-22-2004, 10:07 PM
I was Googling for links about the new Dell X50v PDA when your site came up. I read Jason Dunn's review and got more out of it than any other article that Google suggested.
Since then, I've bookmarked and come back every day for more information!
10-22-2004, 11:05 PM
A coworker told me about the site. I was just getting into the ppc scene with an Ipaq 2215. Converted from a Palm M500. He mentioned this forum as a good way to get "in the know" of things ppc-related. I usually lurk, read and learn, but rarely post in forums.
10-22-2004, 11:14 PM
I don't remember my first visit here, most likely 2 years ago when I got my first ppc. I found ppcthoughts with google. That simple. And, yes I'm here every day. Keep up the good work! HAPPY BIRTHDAY and MORE to come!
10-23-2004, 04:02 AM
I found Thoughts after I purchased my HP5555 and was searching for hardware and software reviews. Thoughts is now a daily stop for me!
10-24-2004, 03:18 AM
I have been following Jason around for awhile, ever since the Velo days.
Remember those days Jason? :D
Over the years I have gained a huge amount of respect for Jason, not only for his work on Pocket PC related items, but for his life in general.
It was only natural for me to follow him here.
Happy Birthday Pocket PC Thoughts
Dave Furey
10-24-2004, 06:37 PM
I found out about Pocket PC Thoughts by accident. I was searching for some info on IPAQ and ran across this site. You provided me with insight into my purchase of my HP 2215. And I use it daily.
10-25-2004, 05:37 AM
I joined about a year ago (almost to the day!) when I got my first PPC (ipaq 1930) and googled for some interesting sites to learn about the beast that drew me away from my clie t615c. I've never looked back, and while I'm not a prolific poster here, PPC thoughts is one of the very few sites I check daily.
10-25-2004, 03:30 PM
I found it with a search when I first started using pocket pc's and was looking for any information that I could find.
Jason Dunn
10-25-2004, 04:58 PM
Ok guys, thanks for all the great comments - I really enjoyed reading them all. It was very cool to see how/when people found this site...and the winners are (check the front page)...
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