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View Full Version : Do you use your PDA for presentations?

10-18-2004, 06:28 PM
My Toshiba E755 came with IA presenter ... basically a minature version of PowerPoint. When coupled with the Toshiba Presentation pack, it enables me to display presentations on a monitor at resolutions as high as 800x600.


I love this feature :beer: !!

But I have never actually used it for anything other than playing at home to see how it works :oops: . So I want to hear from people who use this and other similar products in their working life - sales presentations, conference presentations, management breifings, student projects ...

Do you use it often? Have you used it with a wireless projector? How good is it in the real world?

Jason Dunn
10-18-2004, 06:47 PM
I've used something similar - an iPAQ with a Margi Presenter to Go card - and it worked quite well. I have to admit though, it's less hassle for me to connect my laptop and just use it (no need to convert the document, etc.). When Dell comes out with the VGA cable for their X50v, I might give it a try again though.

10-18-2004, 06:55 PM
I have to admit though, it's less hassle for me to connect my laptop and just use it (no need to convert the document, etc.).

Yeah but I am thinking more of the convenience of travelling light ... my PDA slips in my jeans pocket, along with the Presentation Pack. My laptop is a piece of heavy luggage ...

Jason Dunn
10-18-2004, 07:12 PM
Yeah but I am thinking more of the convenience of travelling light ... my PDA slips in my jeans pocket, along with the Presentation Pack. My laptop is a piece of heavy luggage ...

Yeah, see, for me, my laptop is a 3.5 pound Fujitsu P5010D that I carry in a neoprene slipcase. For the college class I teach twice a week, I just carry it in the case - that's all I need, no power adaptors or anything. Granted, a Pocket PC would be even smaller... :lol:

10-18-2004, 07:49 PM
When I do presentations I usually have to do live demo's also, so I need my laptop.

But yes, I have used ClearVue and a CF-VGA adapter before, and it works great. Don't have a CF-port anymore, and didn't quite see the value investing in a SD-VGA-card.