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View Full Version : X30 beginner questions

10-18-2004, 05:59 PM
First off, sorry that I don't have my own account for the forums yet. "od1" is my brother....

I have a beginners' question (or two). First, I got a Dell Axim X30 recently. It's the low-end (or "standard") model. I was wondering if there is something I can buy to enable it to use wireless?
The other question is what are the differences between SD and MMC cards?

Thank you very much

Darius Wey
10-18-2004, 06:12 PM
To enable wireless capabilities, you can purchase a SDIO Wi-Fi Card. A couple of well-known manufacturers that make these are Sandisk and Socket.

With respect to your question on SD vs MMC, both are around the same size and have roughly the same features, but SD has a faster maximum transfer speed and also provides cryptographic security protection and a side switch to lock and unlock the card. Go for SD in my opinion - it's probably more readily available nowadays as well.

10-18-2004, 06:21 PM
THANK YOU! It's weird though, from what I can tell it would be cheaper to buy a low level x30 and get the wireless expansion than buy the mid-level one with it pre-combined....

Also, my brother has the iPAQ h1940, how much better is his than mine?

10-18-2004, 09:07 PM
How much is the WiFi card you found? The mid level x30 is only about $50 more than the low level one. I can't imagine that it would be cheaper.

Remember also that not only do you get WiFi, but also BT, both of which can be used simultaneously in the mid and high level x30 models. That is not possible to do on yours since you can only have one SD card at a time. And the memory on the low is only 32 RAM/32 ROM as compared with 64/64 on the other two. That's why you're gonna have the price difference ;)

Is the 1940 better than the low x30? Depends on what you need. The 1940 has an older and slower processor but the x30 has less memory and no built in BT (which the 1940 has). The 1940 does look a little more stylish, but does that matter? The x30 has WM2k3se and the 1940 only has WM2k3. I think that's a big advantage since you now have WMP10 available to you.

And the x30 was $100 less than the 1940. They're different...I doubt anyone can really make a case that one is significantly better than the other. (though if you're still within your 30 day period, you may wish to exchange it for a mid level x30...that just seems to be a lot cheaper than buying a WiFi SD card and you get so much more...)

10-18-2004, 09:36 PM
Getting the one with the built-in wireless has the added advantage of giving you a LOT faster connection speed. And the price difference is really small.