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View Full Version : Nomad Zen & Audio books

10-13-2004, 03:25 AM
We're considering getting either an Ipod or Nomad player to carry audio books on since they take up to much room on the ppc. However, while the price is really nice on the Nomad 30gb ($179.00) compared to the Ipod 20gb ($300.00), I need to know if the Audible.com files will play on the Nomad.

It seems like they should, you can download books in the mp3 format which the Nomad will play, but for whatever reason, the Audible site says that they won't play on the Nomad. I realize this *should* be the end of it, but I also know that I there are several people here that know much, much more than I do :)

So, does anyone here know if the files will play, or if not, if there's any sort of work around to make them play?