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View Full Version : Issues with Ipaq 3715 & TomTom BT navigator :o(

10-12-2004, 01:00 PM
Hello all , I purchaced an Ipaq 3715 and installed my trusty software TomTom navigator with Bluetooth GPS. To my suprise it didn't work . Thought you guys may be interested in the replies from TomTom support team below: Its a bit messy and my frustartion shows during the process but some interesting replies.

Particular attention to highlighted in red . You can imagine how shocked I was . How long has 2003 se been known about !!!!

If nothing else, I hope this will help you guys decide on buying the TomTom BT software for your Ipaq 3715.

No date was given for an update , I have moved to Copilot live which works a treat.

Ps it reads from bottom up

Response 14/09/2004 12.00 PM
Dear Mr Ward,

Please accept our sincere apologies for the delay in replying to your question.
The delay has to do with the research that we are doing concerning the problem with our TomTom Navigator software on the new HP RX3715 model.

With kind regards,

The TomTom Customer Support Team

Customer 13/09/2004 03.03 PM
Q: Is it possible that you make a new bonding in the TomTomWizard and with the bluetooth Manager ?
ANSWER: - Ok have done.

Then i have some questions about the Bluetooth GPS,
- Q: Can you see the bluetooth light (blue) flickering ? YES

Q: And when you make a new bonding, does the blue light goes solid? YES only when bonding via BT manager on ipaq NOT THROUGH YOUR SOFTWARE PLEASE READ THE OTHER THREADS ON THIS PROBLEM !!!!!

- When you charge the Bluetooth device does the red/orange light turns on ?YES

- If the green light is flickering the TomTom GPS sees some satelite's ..
ANSWER: The Green light flashes but I wouldn't know if it sees any GPS 's as the software doesn't work

This is just to see if the GPS reciever is working correct.

Answer: I see !!

Well I hope this helps I installed ALK Co-Pilot for Pocket PC loaded their maps and used your model BT GPS. I powered up the software and hey presto. It works with Co-Pilot. !!!!!!!!!!!!!

Hard reset device, re-installed your software and Maps .... Yep about as useful as a chocolate teapot!!!!!! I doesn't work.

Hard reset device reinstalled CO-Pilot and Maps .. and it works.

I have been refused a new Activation code because I have lost the receipt for the new PocketPC see (ref: 040909-000371) . So I brought another copy of your Package costing me another £168 .... Only to find that it doesn't work with the new release of MS Pocket PC windows , what makes it even worse is the fact you have stated on a thread further up that you haven't even tested your sofwtare with them.

Guess I have learned a valuble, expensive lesson, I hope you can rectify your current issues as I have given up using your software package.

Once a valued customer


I wish for your Managing Director to see these threads as I feel as a customer I have been let down. If you cannot do this then please send me his E-mail or Post mail address as I wish to write to him.

Response 13/09/2004 10.05 AM
Dear Mr Ward,

Is it possible that you make a new bonding in the TomTomWizard and with the bluetooth Manager ?
Then i have some questions about the Bluetooth GPS,
- Can you see the bluetooth light (blue) flickering ? And when you make a new bonding, does the blue light goes solid?
- When you charge the Bluetooth device does the red/orange light turns on ?
- If the green light is flickering the TomTom GPS sees some satelite's

This is just to see if the GPS reciever is working correct.

We hope to have answered your question to your satisfaction.
With best regards,

The TomTom Customer Support Team

Customer 10/09/2004 05.49 PM
What i like to know is :
- When the Tom Tom Navigator "locks up" ?
*Is that when you start up the TomTom Navigator ? or...

Answer:- Lock up has stopped now . It will lock up on com 3 but this is because it is assigned to something else.

If the Tom Tom Navigator doesn't freeze when it starts up,
go direct to the Navigator screen where you see all the icons.
(tap in the start screen of TomTomNavigator)
Tick on option, and you will get the preferences for the TomTom navigator.
Click on the tab POI and disable them.
Close the TomTom navigator. And turn on you Bluetooth reciever.

Answer Ok have done this ... still no connection.

If this doesn't work. Change in the GPS configuration the GPS driver(first line)to BTSirf.
At this moment we haven't test these new systems yet running Windows Mobile 2003 se.
My apologies for this.

Answer: Changed to SiRF Bluetooth as no BTSirf .. Still no connection.

Note :- An interesting point is . I have used the TomTom wizzard to install the BT GPS. When I look in my BT manager on the ipaq it is not shown??
Should it not be.

Another interesting point is that the Ipaq when I find a BT device sees the TomTom BT GPS and I can connect this way as the blue light goes solid. But The navigator software doesn't register that it is connected??

I am going to try and connect with the Ipaq and use different drivers to see if I can get connected.

Hope you can find a solution

Rgeards Brian

Hope all this helps.

Response 10/09/2004 05.28 PM
Dear Mr Ward,

What i like to know is :
- When the Tom Tom Navigator "locks up" ?
*Is that when you start up the TomTom Navigator ? or...

If the Tom Tom Navigator doesn't freeze when it starts up,
go direct to the Navigator screen where you see all the icons.
(tap in the start screen of TomTomNavigator)
Tick on option, and you will get the preferences for the TomTom navigator.
Click on the tab POI and disable them.
Close the TomTom navigator. And turn on you Bluetooth reciever.

Start Up the TomTom Navigator software to see if it locks up.

If this doesn't work. Change in the GPS configuration the GPS driver(first line)to BTSirf.
At this moment we haven't test these new systems yet running Windows Mobile 2003 se.
My apologies for this.

I have made a notion if your case and i will take a look at this.

Kind regards
Johnny Sapthu
TomTom Customer Support

Customer 10/09/2004 04.36 PM

'We like to know which Bluetooth Drivers you find on the first line ?'
Answer: on the first line in order I have :
TomTom Navigator GPS
TomTom Wireless GPS

'Normally we advise the TomTomNavigator users to use :
GPS driver : TomTomWirelessGPS and the Port : BluetoothComPort8.
If you have used these settings allready, then change the GPS driver to WirelessBluetoothGPS.'

Answer : Ok tried the fisrt no joy . Second option is missing. ??

You can also download the Tom Tom GPS update 3.03 from :

Answer: Downloaded and run . Went to first step in your reply and worked down. Still no joy .

We still have some questions :
We would like to know which Rom version an Rom date your device is using ?
Start -> Settings -> System -> Device info

Production Revision Level: 1.0
ROM Date: 08/05/04
ROM Revision: 1.00.09
OS Version: 4.21
Bootloader version: 0.60
XIP Version 4.21.14132.0

Hope this is of value

Best of Luck


Response 10/09/2004 04.01 PM
Dear Mr Ward,

Thank you for your e-mail.

If you use the TomTom Navigator Bluetooth device, the settings we advise these settings.
Change these settings in the TomTomGPS program > Tab GPS
We like to know which Bluetooth Drivers you find on the first line ?
Are these : Wireless Bluetooth GPS or TomTom Wireless GPS ?

Normally we advise the TomTomNavigator users to use :
GPS driver : TomTomWirelessGPS and the Port : BluetoothComPort8.
If you have used these settings allready, then change the GPS driver to WirelessBluetoothGPS.

You can also download the Tom Tom GPS update 3.03 from :
ZIP file http://www.tomtom.com/updates/ttnupd303.zip
EXE file http://www.tomtom.com/updates/ttnupd303.exe

We still have some questions :
We would like to know which Rom version an Rom date your device is using ?
Start -> Settings -> System -> Device info

We hope to have answered your question to your satisfaction.
With best regards,

The TomTom Customer Support Team

Customer 10/09/2004 03.06 PM
Hi I have also tried to use it in simulator mode. This does not work either .

Customer 10/09/2004 01.35 PM
Hello , I cannot seem to get a connection to my GPS . I did have lock up problems with the software but I hard reset the device and reinstalled. That seemed to clear that up. When I run the the TomTom wizzard it all goes fine until it tries to set up my GPS (Bluetooth Device) it then locks up. I have these choices of Serial port to install with can you advise which one to use.

Bluetooth serial Port Com 8
S2410 IRDA2410
S2410 COM4
Serial Cable on Com1
S2410 Com 0
Serial on USB

I cant seem to get a connection from either of them . I can pair the device in BT manager and connect like that but it still doesn't work on Navigator.

My Softawre code is ESDH6 9ZT5W VMXPJ TomTom Nav GB

Hope you can help

Best Regards Brian

10-14-2004, 10:29 PM
I had the same problem, there is a patch that has been created to correct the problem in the registry here : http://www.pocketpc-club.nl/content.php?id=3441