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View Full Version : lynx browser for Pocket PC?

10-09-2004, 12:21 PM
Why doesn't someone port over a version of lynx (text-only web browser) to the ppc platform? I'd love to jump on lnyx when I'm on my GPRS connection and am just looking up some factual information. It would be so much faster.

Somebody, please hear my cries for help...please... :D

10-09-2004, 12:40 PM
Tried just switching pictures off?


10-09-2004, 12:52 PM
I've tried that, but it's still not the same. Plus the formating is all screwed up then becaues PIE keeps that darn "missing image" icon there. If it would loose that icon the image off solution would be fine I guess.

10-19-2004, 02:26 AM
... am just looking up some factual information. It would be so much faster.

I empathize with you regarding The Bulk of PIE, but are you sure Lynx (http://lynx.browser.org/) would really be faster? I've thought about porting it, but after porting/using other un*x console software, I decided Lynx wouldn't buy me much. (it would still have to download the full HTML source for a page, and once displayed, you could only use the jog control/keyboard to navigate... (a PITA I bet))

Somebody, please hear my cries for help...please... :D
I hear ya. You'd think that fast & functional (vs. pretty & complete) PDA web browsing would be a more common request??

I'm creating a PIE inhibitor(?) to help solve this problem. The idea is to pre-filter web content before PIE gets a whiff of it (and/or has a chance to choke). Right now, filters support manipulating the incoming page via JavaScript and XSLT (pages are converted to valid XML on-the-fly, as needed). Once the filter is happy, PIE is allowed to render the page.

A "Lynx-like" filter sounds pretty straightforward: strip out everything except for the HTML tags, a, b, i, p, br??

If you're interesting in playing around with the prototype, lemme know.

ps: if you have ideas on how to make $$$ with such an application, lemme know that, too!! i'd love to keep working it! :idea:

10-19-2004, 11:36 PM
Have you tried the text only option of Skweezer?