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View Full Version : e750 won't get past "align screen"

10-04-2004, 09:17 PM
Hi All,

I just received a used okay condition e750 that won't get past the "align screen" portion of the setup. I was originally under the auspices that the unit worked fine & needed a digitizer, but when I tap the screen in the 4 or 5 points it asks for, it seems to wofk fine. Once it finishes with the "align screen" it just repeats it.

Any ideas? Is there a way for me to reinstall or upgrade the ROM? Also, I'm not sure if this unit is running PPC2002 or PPC2003.

ADDED LATER +++++++++++++++++++++
Also, I forgot to mention, the unit seems to "boot twice". Upon hard reset, it displays:

Powered by Compal electronics
2.00.0409 which changes to

I am using an extended battery from a Toshiba e740, as this unit did not come with a battery. But, I doubt that is the cause of the problems. Maybe the ROM is corrupted? Is that possible, and if so, can I reinstall PPC2002? I have the 750 disc with PPC2002 on it, but not the upgrade CD.

Thank you,

10-26-2004, 01:37 AM

take a look @ the top right corner of your screen, just below the black plastic top with the words "PocketPC". do you see a little bit of plastic poking out? use your drivers license (or something similar) and shove it back underneath the black plastic. this should fix your device.

10-26-2004, 05:34 AM

Thank you for your response. I don't see any plastic poking out anywhere. I was going to open it and reinstall the digitizer to see if that fixes it, but I can't figure out how to open it, and don't wish to damage it. I go the screws out, but that's as far as I got.

Any ideas on disassembly? Thanks!

10-26-2004, 05:38 AM
korn, i haven't seen any instructions on how to take a e800 apart, but that doesn't mean there aren't any instructions out there. try searching this forum as well as the ones on brighthand. good luck.

Stephen Beesley
10-26-2004, 06:51 AM
There are some quick instructions/tips for taking apart a e740 HERE (http://discussion.brighthand.com/showthread.php?s=82eb3909ac9fa0825af020cbc87178d9&threadid=110369) on the Brighthand forums. The e750 should be pretty much the same. I cannot find it right now, but I am pretty sure there are more detailed instructions somewhere on Brighthand. Try a search there and see what you find.