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View Full Version : ActiveSync and Drive Mapping over the Internet

Chris Davis
10-04-2004, 06:45 PM
I know these questions have been asked to death, but I am hoping someone has solved these issues. I currently have an Axim X30 with Windows Mobile 2003 using wireless networking.

What I want to do is to ActiveSync and use shared drives from my office desk computer when I have my Axim connected to my home’s wireless network.

At my office I have a fixed IP address on the Internet with a Linksys wireless router between the office computers and the Internet. In the Linksys Router I have ports 47, 1723, 3389, 990-999, 5678, 5679 and 500 all forwarded to my office desk computer using a static internal IP address.

At my home I have a fixed IP address on the Internet with a Linksys wireless router between the computers and the Internet. Currently I have no ports forwarded in the Linksys.

I can ActiveSync wirelessly when I am at my office and connected to my office’s wireless network. When I do this both my Axim and desk computer are on the same network on the office side of the Linksys. However, oddly enough, when I do this I am specifying the external internet IP address in ActiveSync’s setup. I can also get to the shared drives of any of the office computers from the Axim using Windows File Explorer. To do this I have to use the office computer’s name. If I use the IP address of one of the office computers or the external internet IP address it will not connect.

I get the same results from my home network. I can use ActiveSync to one of my home computers and see shared drives in File Explorer as long as the Axim is connected to the home network on the home side of the Linksys.

I have tried everything I can think of to get ActiveSync or Windows File Explorer to connect over the internet from my home. ActiveSync will try to connect and then issue a communications error at the office desk computer saying that a communications service could not be started. If I try to connect to shared drives I get an error that the network path could not be found. In both cases I am using the internet (external) IP address for my office’s Linksys.

I have also tried to use VPN. I followed one of the tutorials I found on this site at http://www.pocketpcthoughts.com/forums/viewtopic.php?t=32189&highlight=activesync+internet, but when I attempt the VPN connection from the Axim all I get is a beep. It never even tries to connect. There is one thing that works every time over the internet, and that is Remote Desktop.

Please give me some ideas to try.

Chris Davis
10-05-2004, 10:55 PM
Aw come on guys. Someone has to have an idea.

I looked at Resco Exporer and it does not appear that it will work either. They say both computers must be on the same sub net to map network drives. Has anyone tried this product?

Would you all say that VPN is the only way I can map a drive from my desktop to my Pocket PC through the Internet? If so, can you help me get VPN working?