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View Full Version : 1940 ARM and Media Player questions

10-03-2004, 07:23 PM
The media player that was installed on the iPaq 1940 when purchased has vanished and I can't find it anywhere in any of the folders. Is this program on ROM and if so is it possible to het it back? The second question regards CAB files. I download the files ok and they go where they should and the Help files tell me to click on them to install. I have tried double and single clicking, to no avail. Am I in need of a bit of software that does this for me? The HP is Pocket PC 2003 Pro, or so it says on the back of the case. The machine is a delight to use and I have had no other problems in 3 months of hard use.

10-03-2004, 09:24 PM
Try doing a hard reset...make sure to back up first!

10-03-2004, 10:10 PM
Try doing a hard reset...make sure to back up first!

That's more of a last resort than the first thing to try. Because if you hard reset, then restore from a backup, you didn't accomplish anything: you restored everything that might have been a problem.

Now then, are you sure that the wmplayer.exe isn't in the \Windows\ folder? What happened before you lost the icon? Did you change anything on the start menu, install anything, restore from a backup...? It's hard for it to just vanish.

Now then, as for CAB files. Download them onto the PDA, then navigate to the fodler them in File Explorer on the PDA. Then double-tap them to open them, and they should install. If you're double-clicking on the PC, then nothing will work. Some applications install on the PC from EXE files, which then open ActiveSync and install onto the PDA. Others let you download the CAB files directly onto your device so you can install them without the use of a PC. Does this make sense?

10-03-2004, 11:11 PM
Well adwignall I hang my head in shame on the first count with regard to the media player. It was indeed in the windows folder and has been all along of course. Goodness knows how many times I have looked there and never seen it.
With regard to the CAB files I have done exactly as you say. Downloaded from the internet, usually a zip file. Unzipped to a folder on my PC desktop and then copied the CAB file to the required place on my PDA before double clicking on it. Nothing happens.