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View Full Version : Ipaq 1945 Keyboard?

10-02-2004, 06:12 AM
Im trying to find a compatible keyboard for my HP1945 but im not having much luck. Anyone have any suggestions? Thanks in advance.

10-02-2004, 10:05 AM
Wireless keyboards?

10-02-2004, 05:17 PM
I don't really care what kind of keyboard it is as long as it works and its not overly expensive and is a fold away. $50-100 range.

Still not having luck though.

10-02-2004, 05:24 PM
Must not be looking....

Here's 2:

Well, the second link has 2, but the bluetooth one is out of your price range (although, not having to be limited by the infrared is nice). Both the IR models state that they're compatable with the 1900 series, so they should work fine with the 1945.

10-02-2004, 08:06 PM
Well I have found a couple that "say" they work with most PDA's, but im hoping to find someone here who can confirm one really. I don't want to pay $60 to find out it won't work.

I've never used Bluetooth before. Does the 1945 come with it ready to go or would I need to buy another accesory on top of the BT keyboard?

10-06-2004, 04:41 AM

I was searching for a keyboard for my HP1945 and came upon this on amazon's website. It lists the 1945 as being compatible but after more searching found out that it doesnt work this model PPC. Anyone know if there will be a similar model for the 1945 at all. I'd prefer this to the foldable keyboards.

10-06-2004, 04:51 AM
Nope, nope, nope, and yet more nope.

The thumbboard style keyboards all use a serial interface to the Pocket PCs, which the 1945 does NOT have. All serial devices that plug into the bottom plug WILL NOT WORK with the 1945. You NEED to use infrared or bluetooth for the keyboard to function at all.

The same goes with other devices, such as GPSs, which also do not work if they would plug into the bottom plug. The 1945 is limited to BlueTooth for the GPS systems.

Yes, your iPaq 1945 has bluetooth built in and you do NOT need an adapter or anything hanging off in order to use it. If you did get the bluetooth keyboard, all that you would need for it to work is the software loaded on your iPaq.