View Full Version : Internet Withdrawal?
Janak Parekh
09-23-2004, 04:30 AM
<div class='os_post_top_link'><a href='' target='_blank'></a><br /><br /></div><i>"Tobacco companies, drug cartels and Starbucks beware--the Internet may be giving you a run for the money in the addiction department. According to a study sponsored by Yahoo and advertising company OMD, Internet detox makes people feel emotionally vacant and lost in life. Twenty-eight participants were asked to record their thoughts and feelings during a two-week period of no Net usage. From studying the subjects' video and written diaries, researchers noticed that two weeks of Internet deprivation affected social lives and left many feeling bored."</i><br /><br />Two weeks does sound like a little much nowadays, scarily enough. Our Internet access at home went down in the middle of this summer when a storm killed the cable modem, NAT router and access point, and it was a frustrating two days until the replacement was set up. In the meantime, I relied on my Pocket PC phone (which also acts as a great dial-up modem) and SPOT watch when I wasn't at work. Talk about a dependency! ;) Have you ever felt Internet withdrawal?
09-23-2004, 05:03 AM
I do remember one time I hadn't talked to a girl I was with for ages (I moved away for a while), and I finally got a hold of her on the phone, then the battery died almost instantly. So... I decided to find her online, because she was home. As luck would have it, my connection to the net was apparently non existant for about six hours from that moment on. That whole time was terrible, and I don't think I've ever wanted to be online that badly. It made me go insane. I must have tried signing into msn literally one hundred times. I probably checked websites even more.
Otherwise I try to stay away from the internet, or computers in general, because it's where my job is.
09-23-2004, 05:28 AM
I tried it a few years ago on the trip I make to Manitoba every ten years or so. It was tough.
09-23-2004, 07:02 AM
I cannot withdraw from the internet, I have online classes :)
Well.........I have a valid excuse for visiting PPCT 4x a day :lol:
09-23-2004, 07:07 AM
Ack.. I'm on the road in San Francisco until Friday. My hard drive went belly up. Last good full backup a couple weeks old. I'm not used to working with only ipaq 1940 & t610. It's something, but painful vs. the wifi in the hotel.
09-23-2004, 07:28 AM
I spent 3 weeks in Italy and only gut on then net twice. No withdrawals.
Then again, it WAS Italy, after all...
09-23-2004, 09:11 AM
I only find I miss it if I am bored...if there is plenty to do, hikes, tennis, eating out, cinema etc then I am fine...I have been stuck in various situations with no net access and nothing else to do and it was just terrible.
09-23-2004, 10:40 AM
No because I have friends. :) And because I do not have direct internet access from my home PC. :D So I am not totally dependant on it.
I have my mobile phone to call anyone.
News can be fetched through plain newspaper and BBC News 24.
I can get my sports update from the radio.
I am also lucky I am not addicted to tobacco, drugs and starbucks. (I plainly do not consume any of the above three at all)
09-23-2004, 11:21 AM
I had a bad case of the withdrawals during and after hurricane Isabel last September. 5 days with no power meant 5 days without Internet access. The only access I acquired was after I went back to work 3 days after the storm.
09-23-2004, 01:23 PM
My home broadband mysteriously didn't work one day I was on the phone for a week until one guy finally admitted that their tower was down and nothing was wrong on our end. I was so pissed off!
So it was a week and one day without internet! AHHH!! :evil: :cry:
Ryan Joseph
09-23-2004, 02:25 PM
I feel this way only like...let's see...every day. If the battery on my i-mate dies and I have no way to check my email or get online for a whole day I'm lost.
In one of my classes last year we did an icebreaker at the begining of the semester where we went around the room and told our name, major, year, etc. We also had to say what's the one thing in life we couldn't live without (minus the obvious things like food, water, etc.)
I said that I couldn't live without a connection to the outside world. This is exactly why I don't like to go camping. Who knows what can happen while you're gone. :mrgreen:
09-23-2004, 04:15 PM
I get frustrated when my DSL is not working properly because I cannot stand to wait for a page to load or whatever else I am doing online. I check my email accounts frequently through out the day, and not having interent access does not set well with me. I need it for work, grad school, and when I want to find something out. It seems that when I really need to/ want to know something I either do not have access or the connection is not at a high enough speed which frustrates me. If I am to go an extended period of time it would have to be for a good reason.
Now if I choose not to access the net for a day or so not a big deal, but only under those conditions. I of course have experienced boredom with the net.
09-23-2004, 07:14 PM
I am about to travel to the UK for a month where I will have only sporadic broadband access and am having a bit of an update/download frenzy in preparation. Is that sad and geeky or what? ;)
09-23-2004, 07:48 PM
If I'm with friends I can go without Internet for a while. But if it's just me around I want my Internet. It's how I connect with my friends that are miles away.
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