Brad Adrian
09-23-2004, 11:00 AM
Mike, the driving force behind the <a href="">HandyMed</a> Web site, and his wife just recently had a baby, their first child. Mike is so happy that he decided to offer everybody a $5 discount on his electronic flashcard application, <a href="">HandyCardS</a>.<br /><br /><img src="" /><br /><br /><i>"HandyCards represents the ultimate learning environment for the Pocket PC. Regardless of what you want, HandyCards can do it. HandyCards now has new testing modes, testing statistics, and an improved testing interface, all to make studying more efficient and enjoyable."</i><br /><br />I'm not sure I quite get the connection between having a baby and selling software, but who am I to wag my nose at a $5 discount? To get the discount (regularly priced at $19.99), select the "Upgrade" check box on the <a href="">HandyMed purchase page</a> and then enter the upgrade code <b>PoPCAddictCongrats</b> in the "Comments" field. You can grab a free demo version there, too.