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View Full Version : Chiming 'Westminster' clock app

09-19-2004, 03:31 PM
As a fan of grandfather and other chiming clocks, I've been searching for an app which will chime the quarter hours, and then strike the hour on my Axim. The search has been almost two years long, with no luck to date.

Someone found me these folks: http://www.aquariussoft.com/pc-alarm-clock/Big_Ben_Chimes.asp who have a very nice pc-based app, and said they planned to port in a few months. Yes, well.

I was hoping for a background application (not a clock face) which will just chime if the ppc is cradled. An addition to a program like DockWare would be fine (although IliumSoft has been slow to applaud my request for an enhancement, even after 18 months of asking). Basically I'd prefer it just to chime, and not take over the display. :(

The standards like wolfclock and breitling are not quite what I was hoping for. If anyone has seen something like this, I would be grateful to hear of it.