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View Full Version : Would WiFi Work?

09-10-2004, 11:41 PM

I am interested in getting a PDA. I am wanting to do web, email, aim, msn, and irc if possible. Now, my pc is at my dads house. My mom lives right next door (dont ask), and I am wanting to be able to use it at both locations. The router would be at my dads, by the pc, and the signal would have to go about 60-80 feet, through several walls (regular walls, dry wall, etc). Is this at all possible? Also, I am looking for a ppc with a full qwerty keyboard, seeing as i will be typing alot. Could anyone recomend me a ppc that fits these descrpitions? I was originally looking at getting a smart phone so i could be online anywhere, but i can't find any i like that are in my price range. Thanks to anyone who can help me out, I appreciate it.


Sven Johannsen
09-11-2004, 12:03 AM
I don't think anyone could tell you for sure that it is going to work, but it sure has the potential to. I pick up neighborhood APs at my house all the time. If you locate the AP at the wall closest to the other house you stand the best chance of course.

09-11-2004, 12:56 AM
I'd recommend getting a Toshiba. They have built-in WiFi and you can get an additional clip that gives you a USB port, plug a keyboard in there and you are set to go.

09-11-2004, 06:21 AM
you could also put a linksys wireless g router at your dad's house, and get a linksys wireless g repeater and put that at your mom's house that should give you a good signal through both houses. i have a hp 4155 and i have great reception with wifi. the little clip on keyboard isn't all that great, but there are several full keyboards out there. such as the stowaway bluetooth keyboard.

09-11-2004, 07:05 AM
You can get routers with external antennas - often used with community Wifi to get the extra "reach". Try searching google with "wi-fi antenna" and perhaps add "community" to the search.

I have seen web-sites describing some very simple homemade ones.
