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09-10-2004, 09:03 PM
For those of you that have an e805 with WM2003 SE, I have a question about that SE_VGA program that lets that devices run in "Real VGA" mode. I noticed Janek went into kind of a mini-review for the program, but didn't address one thing I was worried about.. and now I can't find the original topic for it. Anyway, what happens to the input options when put in "Real VGA" mode? I use the keyboard as my main input, and if that is reduced 4x in size when switched to that mode, it would become unusable in my opinion (even on a 4" screen). Any images of what the keyboard looks like in both portrait and landscape mode would be great.

If it really does reduce the keyboard that much, then is there a solution to that problem yet? Does SPB's or Resco's keyboard support that program's "Real VGA" mode? Thanks in advance for the help.

09-10-2004, 09:20 PM
Does SPB's or Resco's keyboard support that program's "Real VGA" mode? Thanks in advance for the help.

Not firsthand experience, but I believe that Resco Keyboard Pro supports VGA, and it'll work with the "real" VGA mode as well.

I'll let you know when I get the new PDA I'm covetting ;)

09-10-2004, 09:40 PM
Well, since that "real" VGA mode isn't really SE's version of VGA, I'm wondering how exactly it'll work... As in, will the Resco software detect the keyboard in VGA mode or does SE_VGA change that?

Also, not that it relates to this topic, but I've decided to go with the hx4700. It'll work great as an LCD screen for my car (the color matches my dash and since it's symmetrical, it would look a lot better than a regular PPC), and the 4" screen really is needed with VGA. After playing with the e805 in VGA mode at CompUSA, it's impossible to think of using it on an even smaller screen. I just wish they'd let me fool around with SE_VGA on it. :(

Janak Parekh
09-11-2004, 06:33 AM
For those of you that have an e805 with WM2003 SE, I have a question about that SE_VGA program that lets that devices run in "Real VGA" mode. I noticed Janek went into kind of a mini-review for the program, but didn't address one thing I was worried about.. and now I can't find the original topic for it. Anyway, what happens to the input options when put in "Real VGA" mode? I use the keyboard as my main input, and if that is reduced 4x in size when switched to that mode, it would become unusable in my opinion (even on a 4" screen). Any images of what the keyboard looks like in both portrait and landscape mode would be great.
That's the downside -- most of them shrink. :| I personally can still peck at the regular keyboard, but it's a bit harder -- but then of course, everything is. adwignall has a good point, though -- it's possible the Resco one can still specify a larger size (I've never tried it). For me, I end up running in SE mode most of the time, and only shrink to SE_VGA when I need to.

Here's a shot of what it looks like (I use the "alternate" keyboard mode, which helps in making the keys a bit bigger):



09-11-2004, 06:41 AM
Thanks, exactly what I wanted to see... Now that I think of it, the only thing I'd want "real" VGA for would be Pocket IE. Are there any programs out there that "un-stupids" the way SE works IE? I mean, resizing images to make them LARGER... Come on..

Janak Parekh
09-11-2004, 06:43 AM
Thanks, exactly what I wanted to see... Now that I think of it, the only thing I'd want "real" VGA for would be Pocket IE. Are there any programs out there that "un-stupids" the way SE works IE? I mean, resizing images to make them LARGER... Come on..
There might be. Tweaks2k2 has a per-application VGA hack -- no idea if it has the desired effect on IE or not -- it's primarily intended for non-VGA-aware applications.

Rest assured that I've complained very loudly to my MS channels about the image sizing, and so has Jason. I'll write up a long frontpage discussion about VGA and SE when I get a chance.
