09-09-2004, 04:06 AM
Introducing the first (that I know of) WinAMP 5 skin converted for PocketMusic, MMD3 Pocket. First off, just to set things straight, I do not take any credit at all for the original design of the skin. Credit goes to Sven Kistner for MMD3 v2.2 for WinAMP 5. All I did was pretty much rearrange/edit that skin and make the xml file to have it operate as a landscape skin for PocketMusic. Curious of how it looks?
Keep in mind this is the first skin I've ever made for PocketMusic, so not everything is perfect. However, I am open to suggestions. You might even see other skins from me now that I've learned how to create them. Many people just use Winamp Classic skins for PocketMusic and don't realize that it has a completely different kind of skinning mode, too, which works just as well and is MUCH more customizable. Hopefully other skinners on these forums will create some PocketMusic skins as well - it isn't much different than making a WinAMP 5 skin at all.
Click here to download the file. (http://www.digitalphantom.com/mmd3pocket.lsk)
Instructions: Download the .lsk file. Connect your PPC to your PC and place the .lsk file in "My Device/Program Files/PocketMusic/PMSkins/" on your device. To select the skin, open up PocketMusic and tap Options, then Player Options. Scroll over to the Skins tab and for Skin Type, select Landscape Mode from the drop-down box. Right beneath that is a box to select the skin. Select "mmd3pocket" and tap ok. You're all set! To switch between Landscape and Portrait modes, just hit the "Mode" button on the player. WM2003SE isn't required for this... gotta love PocketMusic.
Like I said, I'm open to any and all suggestions. Enjoy!
And if you don't have PocketMusic... shame on you. Get it here (http://www.pocketmind.com/pocketmusic.htm). I'm not sure if the free version supports landscape skins, so if it doesn't then buy the Bundle. It's well worth it.
Keep in mind this is the first skin I've ever made for PocketMusic, so not everything is perfect. However, I am open to suggestions. You might even see other skins from me now that I've learned how to create them. Many people just use Winamp Classic skins for PocketMusic and don't realize that it has a completely different kind of skinning mode, too, which works just as well and is MUCH more customizable. Hopefully other skinners on these forums will create some PocketMusic skins as well - it isn't much different than making a WinAMP 5 skin at all.
Click here to download the file. (http://www.digitalphantom.com/mmd3pocket.lsk)
Instructions: Download the .lsk file. Connect your PPC to your PC and place the .lsk file in "My Device/Program Files/PocketMusic/PMSkins/" on your device. To select the skin, open up PocketMusic and tap Options, then Player Options. Scroll over to the Skins tab and for Skin Type, select Landscape Mode from the drop-down box. Right beneath that is a box to select the skin. Select "mmd3pocket" and tap ok. You're all set! To switch between Landscape and Portrait modes, just hit the "Mode" button on the player. WM2003SE isn't required for this... gotta love PocketMusic.
Like I said, I'm open to any and all suggestions. Enjoy!
And if you don't have PocketMusic... shame on you. Get it here (http://www.pocketmind.com/pocketmusic.htm). I'm not sure if the free version supports landscape skins, so if it doesn't then buy the Bundle. It's well worth it.