09-07-2004, 07:20 AM
Hello PPCT;
I have been a long, long time lurker, and now that I am a tich more involved with PDAs via my writing for BargainPDA, I wanted to get my feet into the premier PPC forum. You all have a ton of good stuff here. I will contribute and pass along links of articles that I write as I get things up and done over at BargainPDA.
One thing, I am a PalmOS user. Though I appreciate the PPC platform, I do recognize my needs and use what works for me. You will not see me push one platform or another (lest it is to a beginner - PalmOS usually wins there). I will do my best to be honest, and not kill discussions. I am also the webmaster for the PalmBible+ (http://palmbibleplus.sourceforge.net) website. It is a PalmOS program, but if enough of you want it for PPC, come and visit and make your requests known so that the developer and get something started.
Many blessings to all of you, and hello :)
I have been a long, long time lurker, and now that I am a tich more involved with PDAs via my writing for BargainPDA, I wanted to get my feet into the premier PPC forum. You all have a ton of good stuff here. I will contribute and pass along links of articles that I write as I get things up and done over at BargainPDA.
One thing, I am a PalmOS user. Though I appreciate the PPC platform, I do recognize my needs and use what works for me. You will not see me push one platform or another (lest it is to a beginner - PalmOS usually wins there). I will do my best to be honest, and not kill discussions. I am also the webmaster for the PalmBible+ (http://palmbibleplus.sourceforge.net) website. It is a PalmOS program, but if enough of you want it for PPC, come and visit and make your requests known so that the developer and get something started.
Many blessings to all of you, and hello :)