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View Full Version : ActiveSync launching itself while PPC is off

09-07-2004, 07:02 AM
I have developed a weird ActiveSync problem. Whenever I turn off my Axim X30 for more than maybe a minute or so, I turn it back on to find ActiveSync among the running applications. Usually, the machine is also running slower, the way it does when AS has crashed or in a loop.

As a couple of additional symptoms, I've noticed that since this problem started, my wireless radios sometimes don't turn off when I hit the power button. Also, twice today when changing batteries, I recieved a 'memory error' message, the way you would if you pulled out the main battery while the system was running. However, if I turned the Axim on, killed AS, then swapped the battery, it worked the way it should. I conclude that for whatever reason, ActiveSync is keeping my Axim partially on. What I'd like to know is how to fix it. I've checked out AS--none of the settings seems to have changed, it's still set to sync manually. (I sync via Bluetooth.) I've also tried soft-resetting, but it keeps coming back. Any ideas?

Janak Parekh
09-08-2004, 05:30 AM
No clue if this has anything to do with it, but check the AS settings on your Pocket PC and make sure it's not set to sync on a schedule.


09-08-2004, 07:28 AM
No clue if this has anything to do with it, but check the AS settings on your Pocket PC and make sure it's not set to sync on a schedule.


Well, I've figured it out. As a matter of fact, it did have to do with syncing on a schedule. I've never synced on a schedule, so the schedule times were set to Manually. However, the checkbox to 'Sync with this device according to mobile schedule" was checked. Unchecking this stopped ActiveSync from coming back, and solved the problem. Now, I am certain that I did not change that setting prior to the problem, and when I checked the settings the first time I was pretty sure nothing had changed, so I'm left with these possible explainations.

1. The checkbox somehow got turned on, and I accidentally missed the difference in my scan of the settings.

2. The checkbox was always on, but it never was a problem before, since the scheduled times were turned off. Some other software error caused it to no longer interpret 'Manual' as 'shut up, I'll do it' and it went haywire.

Anyway, I'm just pleased that it's fixed, and wanted to pass along this information for the benefit of anyone else who may end up having this problem.

09-08-2004, 10:25 PM
Also,this can happen if you turn off the device while it's disconnecting. That hapened with my X3i.