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View Full Version : Add some Flash to your (To)Day! -- a review of Flashdash

Don Tolson
09-13-2004, 05:00 PM
<img src="http://www.pocketpcthoughts.com/images/web/2003/don-sep04-flashdash-today.gif" /><br /><br /><b>Product Category:</b> Today Screen replacement<br /><b>Manufacturer:</b> <A HREF = "http://www.gigabytesol.com/" target = "blank"> Gigabyte Solutions </A><br /><b>Where to Buy:</b> <a href="http://www.handango.com/brainstore/PlatformProductDetail.jsp?siteId=311&productId=139905">Handango</a> [Affiliate]<br /><b>Price:</b> $19.95 USD. A 14-day trial period will be available.<br /><b>System Requirements:</b> Requires Macromedia Flash Player ActiveX which uses 878K of memory. Flashdash needs 2.7M. It must be installed to main memory to work consistently.<br /><b>Specifications:</b> Available for all ARM/X-scale devices running Pocket PC 2002 or Pocket Mobile 2003.<br /><br /><b>Pros:</b><li>Clean, intuitive, professional interface;<br /><li>feature-packed;<br /><li>compatible with Snoopsoft Dashboard;<br /><li>available in English, French, German, Italian, Spanish, Dutch, Portuguese, Chinese, Japanese and Korean.<b>Cons:</b><li>memory intensive, which can slow things down on smaller Pocket PC’s;<br /><li>updates every 3 minutes (non configurable), so you may have to wait to see changes;<br /><li>a bit pricy for a today-screen replacement.<b>Summary:</b><br />Flashdash is a soon to be announced new product from Gigabyte Solutions. Two years in the making, it provides a professionally designed Today screen interface which supports animated backdrops and brings a whole bunch of system features right to the forefront.<br /><br />Read on for the full review!<!><br /><PAGEBREAK><br /><span><b>Today, I’m flashin’...</b></span><br />Well, this is a first (at least for me). Imagine, being able to review a product <i>before</i> it gets on the market! :D When I first saw the write-up on this product, I kind of hemmed and hawed “..another Today screen plug-in/update”. But I have to admit that I’ve been very impressed by the look and feel of Flashdash's interface, and the amount of functionality Gigabyte Solutions has been able to incorporate without making it feel clumsy.<br /><br />Basically, the concept is to bring much more of the system information up to the front of the Pocket PC, rather than having it buried within layers upon layers of sub-folders. And... to do this on professionally-designed themes which include animations in the background. Gigabyte Solutions accomplishes this by completely replacing the standard Today screen with a whole new, multi-tabbed interface.<br /><br /><img src="http://www.pocketpcthoughts.com/images/web/2003/don-sep04-flashdash-floatingworld.gif" /><br /><i>Figure 1: The TiD animated ‘Floating World’ theme. (A little sampan floats up the river.)</i><br /><br /><span><b>Installation</b></span><br />Installing Flashdash went pretty smoothly for a beta-release program. A self-extracting .exe file was provided for the PC, which uses the ActiveSync installation routines. Take note that there are two parts to the installation, which the routine will handle for you, but might get a bit confusing. During the installation of Flashdash, the routine will check to see if the Macromedia Flash Player ActiveX is present and if not, will proceed to install that first, then return to installing Flashdash. As mentioned above, the memory requirements are fairly extensive (880K for Flash Player ActiveX, and 2.7M for Flashdash itself.), so be careful on smaller Pocket PC’s. Also, this application is <b>definitely</b> not recommended for installation on CF or SD cards.<br /><br />On my first install, everything seemed to go fine, but when I reset the Pocket PC and it attempted to run Flashdash, I got the error message “Failed to initialize encryption key” and Flashdash wouldn’t run. I contacted Stephen Eddy at Gigabyte Solutions and he knew the answer right away. Apparently, at some time in the past, one of the modules in my O/S got corrupted, and the only solution was to do a hard reset and NOT restore from a backup. Oh well, it was time for a bit of a clean up anyway! :roll: After the reset everything loaded up just fine. I relate this story to you not because of anything wrong with Flashdash, but for information if it happens to you, and to highlight Gigabyte Solutions’ technical knowledge and responsiveness. Well done, Stephen!<br /><br />After installation, you'll get 14 days in which to play with Flashdash and (hopefully) purchase a registration code. After the 14 day period, if the application is not registered, Flashdash will refuse to display any themes and you will be requested to purchase a copy.<br /> <PAGEBREAK><br /><span><b>Look and Feel</b></span><br />The interface provided by Gigabyte Solutions includes Bluesteel(TM), designed by <A HREF = "http://www.truthindesign.com/" target = "blank"> TRUTH in Design </A>, and co-developed with Gigabyte Solutions. Included with the Flashdash installation are 15 McDeb themes and 5 by TRUTH in Design (TiD). 10 of these themes include animated backgrounds.<br /><br /><img src="http://www.pocketpcthoughts.com/images/web/2003/don-sep04-flashdash-sheep.gif" /><br /><i>Figure 2: The McDeb ‘Sheep’ theme. (The sheep follow each other around on the hill and wait till you see the nighttime version!.)</i><br /><br />Just a note to be careful with some of the themes, as they may not work exactly as you would expect. For example, below is the TiD Longitude theme, as it appears on the Today screen of Flashdash.<br /><br /><img src="http://www.pocketpcthoughts.com/images/web/2003/don-sep04-flashdash-TILong.gif" /><br /><i>Figure 3: The TiD Longitude theme (neat watch!)</i><br /><br />Unfortunately, the selection of text colour for menus gets into some problems when you tap the Start button, as shown below.<br /><br /><img src="http://www.pocketpcthoughts.com/images/web/2003/don-sep04-flashdash-TILmenu.gif" /><br /><i>Figure 4: The same theme, after you tap on Start. Note that we’re only getting the icons. Where did the text go?</i><br /><br />It’s not a big thing, once you realize that the problem is white text being displayed on a white background. But it was a little unsettling for me initially when all I saw was the icons, and wondered what had happened to all my applications, etc.<br /><br />Overall, the look and feel of Flashdash is polished and professional. It consists of the main ‘Today’ screen which displays time and PIM stuff (depending upon the theme selected), plus a series of tabs along the bottom to launch programs, view running programs or change the display options on the theme.<br /><br /><img src="http://www.pocketpcthoughts.com/images/web/2003/don-sep04-flashdash-todayexp2.gif" /><br /><i>Figure 5: Flashdash’s Today tab – expanded version.</i><br /><br />There are a number of icons and buttons located within the main Today screen, which provide a number of different features. Rather than try to describe them all, I thought the following pictorial would help.<br /><br /><img src="http://www.pocketpcthoughts.com/images/web/2003/don-sep04-flashdash-icons.gif" /><br /><i>Figure 6: The icons on the Today screen tab.</i><br /><br />As I mentioned before, most of these I guessed right away, since the graphics depicted the effect pretty obviously.<br /><br />On the Launch tab, Flashdash presents the icons for applications located in the Programs folder of your device’s main memory.<br /><br /><img src="http://www.pocketpcthoughts.com/images/web/2003/don-sep04-flashdash-launch.gif" /><br /><i>Figure 7:The Launch tab.</i><br /><br />I like the size of these selections and the fact that Flashdash has chosen to use the application’s icon, not just a textual description. There is room for 12 selections on each screen, with an arrow to the right to scroll to additional ones.<br /><br />In the middle, Flash-powered plugins are displayed and can be launched. Here, I’ve just shown the ‘smalltimer’ one included with the demo. There’s more discussion about the plugins a little later in this review. Along the bottom of the screen are icons for the most commonly accessed applications on the Pocket PC. I found the IR beaming one (the red semi-circle with a dot and a beam in the middle) didn’t work for me.<br /><br />The Running tab provides a list of currently running applications on the Pocket PC, including plug-ins, and gives you the option to stop them.<br /><br /><img src="http://www.pocketpcthoughts.com/images/web/2003/don-sep04-flashdash-running.gif" /><br /><i>Figure 8:The Running tab.</i><br /><br />I thought this was pretty well done, and a lot easier to find than the Start/Settings/System/Memory/Running Programs version in the O/S.<br /> <PAGEBREAK><br /><span><b>Integration with Outlook</b></span><br />On the Today tab, Gigabyte Solution has included applets to mimic the behaviour of the appointment and task functions on the standard Today. It’s not exactly the same however, since they both use a look-ahead parameter defined on the configuration screen to determine how many appointments or tasks are 'active'. Also, the sort order of appointments and tasks is a bit different from that shown in Pocket Outlook and on the standard Today screen. Stephen and I have been talking about ways to handle that, since I make fairly extensive use of tasks and appointments to keep myself on track.<br /><br />It’s easy to flip between the Standard and Flashdash Today screens though, using the icons in the System Tray at the bottom of the screen. Or, tapping the icons to the left of the entries brings you directly into the Pocket Outlook function.<br /><br /><span><b>Plug-Ins</b></span><br />Because of the way Flashdash is designed, Gigabyte Solutions has provided applets for the standard Pocket Outlook Today plug-ins, such as Owner, Date, Tasks, Upcoming appointments, etc. There is no support for third party plug ins such as Pocket Music 3 or pTravelAlarm. Gigabyte Solutions does provide an interface for developers to build plug-ins, and an example called SmallTimer was provided in the version I reviewed. SmallTimer simply displayed a single line digital stopwatch function on the Flashdash screen. Unfortunately, the only way to get rid of it was to go to the Running tab and shut it off from there.<br /><br /><span><b>Configuration</b></span><br />There are two ways to configure Flashdash. First, is in the configuration of the theme itself, which you access by tapping the Options tab at the bottom of the Today screen.<br /><br /><img src="http://www.pocketpcthoughts.com/images/web/2003/don-sep04-flashdash-options.gif" /><br /><i>Figure 9: Flashdash’s Options tab.</i><br /><br />Here, you can adjust the background or text colours, change the size of text used, change the size and position of status graphs, tabs, and the background clock.<br /><br />The other configuration panel is accessed by tapping the FlashDash (FD) icon in the System Tray at the bottom of the screen.<br /><br /><img src="http://www.pocketpcthoughts.com/images/web/2003/don-sep04-flashdash-themes.gif" /><br /><i>Figure 10: Configuring themes and other options from the FD icon.</i><br /><br /><img src="http://www.pocketpcthoughts.com/images/web/2003/don-sep04-flashdash-configopts.gif" /><br /><i>Figure 11: Other configuration options from the FD icon.</i><br /><br />Here, you can select the overall Theme you want to use, change the look-ahead timeframe for Tasks and Appointments, select which information you want displayed and the interface style. On the review version, only the bluesteel style was available. I suspect that in the released version, the debug selection will be removed.<br /><br /><span><b>Documentation</b></span><br />Documentation on how to use the features of FlashDash is a bit sparse at this time. But hey, it’s a brand new product, what did you expect? For the most part, however, I’m not sure that having a printed manual or Help file could add much. I found the controls and labels straightforward and intuitive, and had no need to contact Gigabyte Solutions to figure out how things work (which is a credit to their design!).<br /><br /><span><b>Conclusions</b></span><br />Is Flashdash an essential, must-have application for me? Well, I'm kind of half-and-half about that. The animated background themes is basically eye-candy, but the whole application is extremely well done and very professional. The overall design is well-thought out, and I especially like having the Launcher and Running programs functionality brought right to the forefront, where it more properly belongs.

09-13-2004, 06:16 PM
... Wow. That looks very nice. $20 might be expensive, but for once, it looks worth it. I'm definitely going to try this.

09-13-2004, 07:54 PM
Thanks Don

I appreciate your comprehensive review.

I have a couple of comments to add regarding points raised below:-

1. I think $19.95 is great value for something that replaces the functionality of about 6 other apps and has taken two companies nearly two years to develop. What else on the market is a Today appointments and tasks module, Battery / memory module, Program Launcher, Task Manager, Theme Manager, Animated Theme View and provide professional themes? Those apps purchased separately would be nearer $50.

2. You can refresh the display at any time, rather than waiting 3 minutes. Just click the double headed arrow to the right of the date and time on the Today applet.

3. The problem that required a hard reset is a corrupt rsabase.dll encryption library that some older installs overwrite. You can see this described at http://www.gigabytesol.com/faq.htm

4. In the released version, there are 12 McDeb themes, 2 themes by another designer, 3 DavidThemes FlashDash themes and 7 Tid FlashDash themes (including Sheep Today).

5. There are 3 plug-ins in the final release rather than 1. The other two are Snow (add snow to any theme) and Worm (cute worm that moves around).

6. Thanks for the spot on Tid Longitudes color, I will update that one right away.

7. Following our discussion on the Tasks applet, the behavior is now what you would expect. It will lookahead 14 days for tasks where the start and due date fall within range and you can optionally hide tasks with a date set. Appointments have the same 14 day lookahead.

8. The little shortcut icons at the bottom are hard coded and the programs they reference are present on most, but not all devices.

9. You missed the feature to tint the color of the theme or animations dynamically. It's not surprising given I didn't provide you with any documentation.

Thanks once again for a great job.

09-13-2004, 08:11 PM

Wow. You guys did a great job on the program.

09-13-2004, 08:27 PM
Thanks :D

It took us long enough but the result was worth the effort.

09-13-2004, 08:57 PM
I just love the sheep :D

09-13-2004, 09:01 PM
It consists of the main ‘Today’ screen which displays time and PIM stuff (depending upon the theme selected)

Slightly OT: Something I'd like to see (not necessarily in this product) is for a someone to come up with a theme switcher that ties Today plugins to a theme, so that you could (for example) pick theme 1 and have owner info, date and calendar automatically load; pick theme 2 and Tasks, Spb Pocket Plus and Egress load with that theme, etc.

09-13-2004, 09:31 PM
Are the task and appointments dissabled untill you purchase the full version?

09-13-2004, 10:24 PM
This looks impressive and, being a Flash developer by trade, I'd like to give it a try. I do have a few questions/concerns:

All of these are given my perspective as a longtime (~3 years) user of Snoopsoft Dashboard.

1. DB provides me with a "tab" that displays all of my contacts. This is very convenient and I use it often - is there a similar flashdash feature?

2. I can run most today plugins in DB. For example, I use BatteryBar (I understand I wouldn't need that in flashdash) and JournalBar on my main dashboad page. From what I can tell I would have to give up JournalBar if I chose to use flashdash?

3. Dashboard allows me to create a set of "quicklinks" - small icons on any today page I choose with direct links to my most used programs. Again, this is a feature I value and use frequently, but I'm not sure this would be possible with flashdash - comments, corrections?

4. Finally, as I said, I'm a flash developer - so the natural question would be, can I customize this product? I'm assuming the answer is no, since I'm sure you would never release source files, but I had to ask...



09-13-2004, 11:13 PM
Hi Eddie

In answer to your questions:-

1. You can use DashToday Advanced which provides a contacts module for the normal Today screen. We are planning to collaborate with Snoopsoft to produce FlashDash Plus which would contain the Snoopsoft contacts and email module from DashToday for an extra $5.

2. There is a tab at the bottom of FlashDash which lets you instantly switch to the Today tab rather than the FlashDash tab. You can place any 3rd party plug-ins there, like the ones mentioned above. This is no different than using the different tabs in Dashboard.

3. FlashDash displays all the Programs present in your Programs folder and even lets you navigate into folders and back out again. It doesn't show items on the Start menu since they are immediately accessible anyway.

4. The FlashDash plug-ins are standard SWF files you place in the \Program Files\FlashDash\Plugins folder. FlashDash exposes an API to obtains pretty much any information present on the device and it is this that Bluesteel uses to provide all the functionality you see. There is no reason a plug-in couldn't also use it.

A couple of people have asked if the trial limits the display of appointments and tasks. The answer is no, it is fully functional. If you have a problem with this not working correctly then please email [email protected] and I will look into it for you.


Don Tolson
09-13-2004, 11:26 PM
Are the task and appointments dissabled untill you purchase the full version?

No I believe the only restriction is that you only have 14 days to evaluate, until it stops showing themes altogether.

09-14-2004, 01:43 AM
if you complete a task, is there a way to mark it as such from the screen or do you have to go into your PIM and do it there? from the screen shots I don't see a checkbox. looks nice otherwise. :D

09-14-2004, 02:41 AM
Are the task and appointments dissabled untill you purchase the full version?

Mine don't show either, though they're in PI. Looks promising though, I'm sure there's a "fix" for this.

09-14-2004, 04:38 AM
Sully wrote:
Are the task and appointments dissabled untill you purchase the full version?

Not intentionally! a fix is coming. I have to verify the bug with Steddy.

-Chris, the author of Bluesteel

p.s. I'm very happy people like the look/feel of this product. We are listening.

Don Tolson
09-14-2004, 08:22 AM
if you complete a task, is there a way to mark it as such from the screen or do you have to go into your PIM and do it there? from the screen shots I don't see a checkbox. looks nice otherwise. :D

Not from Flashdash itself. When you tap on the icon beside the list of tasks, you are taken to Pocket Outlook (Tasks) and you can mark them complete there. It's the same functionality as found in the standard Today screen.

Darius Wey
09-14-2004, 09:56 AM
Are you able to change the appearance from a 3D popup look to a flat 2D look? It's not a big issue, although I'm a big fan of eye candy if it's available. :)

09-14-2004, 09:43 PM

Very nice looking app. I am wondering though if your software will work on my Toshiba e805 in VGA mode (not QVGA or PPC2003 SE)?


09-15-2004, 05:39 PM
I tried the demo and really like this software. It adds a lot of functionality for the price. Too bad that on my 2215 I also have the task/ appt. bug where they don't show. :(
If that bug can be fixed I'll buy it.

09-15-2004, 07:34 PM
Steddy sent me a demo yesterday which fixed task/appt display on my [US-English] iPaq 3970. I believe he will post in this forum when the demo has been updated.

-chris [TRUTH in Design]

09-16-2004, 02:11 AM
fix is at the bottom of page 2 on this thread (http://www.pocketpcthoughts.com/forums/viewtopic.php?t=32202&postdays=0&postorder=asc&start=10)

09-16-2004, 03:20 PM

I guess it won't run in real VGA.


09-16-2004, 08:38 PM
Calculon said:
Very nice looking app. I am wondering though if your software will work on my Toshiba e805 in VGA mode (not QVGA or PPC2003 SE)?

It should, did you try the demo?

FD supports 'real' VGA (480x640) in portrait or landscape mode. It even supports resolution hacks, e.g. running in VGA on a qVGA device. This eats RAM and is not recommended.


09-17-2004, 06:31 AM
So how do you make flashdash themes and plugins? Do you have to use the Animated Theme Injector or is there another way?

09-18-2004, 10:37 PM
You use the Injector to make themes. Basically, you use the standard Microsoft theme maker to make a normal theme, then dress it up and inject a SWF with the Injector.

For plugins, all you need to do is save out a SWF from Flash/Swish/..., then place it in the /plugins subdirectory of FlashDash. From there, you can load it from the Launch screen of FlashDash.

This may be obvious but many SWFs which work fine on a PC, or by themselves on a Pocket PC, will have performance problems when competing for redraw cycles with the rest of the Bluesteel interface. If you want to experiment, use AntMobile to test standalone SWFs, then try them in the full-screen tab of FlashDash where they will have maximum CPU time.


09-19-2004, 07:15 AM
Thank you :)

Another question (since I'm no flash expert):
I want to make a little launcher plugin. How do I get it to actually launch anything? I'm using Swish Max and did try the fscommand but it doesn't seem to work. Maybe I have the syntax wrong.

09-21-2004, 02:46 PM
I've just downloaded the FlashDash trial. In terms of features and look and feel, it's great! :D My main issue is that it's really really sluggish on my iPAQ 3970. Is it because my iPAQ is too old? :( Is there anything I can do to my iPAQ to make FlashDash run better on it? At the moment, the performance issue is the only reason I haven't yet purchased FlashDash (within 24 hours of downloading the trial!)


09-30-2004, 04:20 AM
Downloaded yesterday, and have been using all day today. My overdue tasks are not showing in the task plugin. I remember reading that the plugin looks 14 days in advance, guess that means, it won't show overdue?

Otherwise a very cool and functional program.


09-30-2004, 05:29 AM
Made my first flashdash theme:


It is in the "misc" section at my site.

The aquadock isn't customizable - so I don't know how useful it is if you don't want PIE, Inbox and Resco File Explorer on your main today screen. :)

09-30-2004, 06:26 AM
I've just downloaded the FlashDash trial. In terms of features and look and feel, it's great! My main issue is that it's really really sluggish on my iPAQ 3970. Is it because my iPAQ is too old? Is there anything I can do to my iPAQ to make FlashDash run better on it? At the moment, the performance issue is the only reason I haven't yet purchased FlashDash (within 24 hours of downloading the trial!)


Hi Jasmine,

FlashDash will run best on Windows Mobile 2003, so if your PPC can upgrade to that, I recommend it. I developed Bluesteel (the Flash interface) on an old 3635, and tested it on a pre-WM2003 3970, so I feel your pain. I made it go as fast as I could.

TRUTH in Design has a new interface in the works called "Ultralight" which will do just the essentials, 2 or 3 times faster.

Juni, your theme and dock are bee-youtiful. You run FD the way I like it - faded tabs and UPF (Ultrafonts) text.


10-19-2004, 05:18 PM
Just curious, is anyone now using Flashdash? If so, how is it?
