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View Full Version : Bluetooth Headset & 6315

08-28-2004, 03:26 AM
I have the original Jabra Freespeak headset and it works very well with the H6315. Today I thought it would be really cool to get my Pharos Navigator GPS software and Bluetooth receiver working with the H6315 and the Jabra headset. I was hoping that I would hear the voice navigation prompts in the headset.

I hear some of the prompts some time. The problem is that the connection between the headset and the H6315 doesn't stay open. The connection is automatically re-established when a sound is made by the Pocket PC. The problem is, if the connection is off when a voice prompt goes off the connection isn't made fast enough so the prompt is done before the headset connects to the H6315.

I assume the Pocket PC is causing the disconnect, probably as a design decision to save battery life. However, I don't have anyway to be sure because I don't have any other Bluetooth headsets, so my question is, do folks with other brand headsets see their headset disconnect and reconnect with the H6315?

08-28-2004, 04:10 AM
Yes, the same behaviour happens with my el cheapo Actiontec bluetooth headset. I notice it while using MS Voice Command.

Another problem/bug/user-error that I have is in the phone app. Under Tools/Hands-free Preferences, there are two check boxes for using the hands-free: one for Telephone calls and the other for all other Standard audio like playing music, alerts, etc. I've discovered on my unit that if I uncheck the Standard audio option, the ipaq uses the unit microphone instead of my bluetooth microphone. So the voice on the other end comes thru my headset, but my voice isn't transmitted over the headset. If I enable the Standard Audio option, the headset performs correctly. Doesn't seem right to me...

08-28-2004, 10:35 PM
That doesn't sound right at all. I guess I'll have to wait for a software update.

08-29-2004, 02:22 AM
Sounds like you're trying to use two bluetooth devices simultaneously, which I thought was NOT supported by bluetooth.

08-29-2004, 06:41 PM
Joe, actually there is no problem using the headset and the GPRS receiver at the same time. When I go into Bluetooth Manager I can see both connected at the same time. I think the ability to do this is something that was added to the latest release of the Bluetooth standards. With multi-function devices like the Pocket PC Phone Editions Bluetooth had to be able to connect multiple devices to do exactly what I was doing, otherwise Bluetooth would be relegated to only providing connections to headsets.

08-30-2004, 10:52 PM
I have been having a similar problem with using my 6315 in a car with a BT module built-in (BMW, to be specific).

So far, the only work-around I have managed is to set the PPC to stay on continually. If I do so, I can receive calls, use the in-car mic, etc. If I wait for the PPC to turn on, make the connection, etc before I can use the mic, I generally miss the call.

Looks like I'm going to have to invest in a back up battery until someone comes up with a patch to fix this!

09-03-2004, 06:14 PM
Glad I'm not the only one. I have a GN Netcom BT headset that I really like but the headset is designed to turn off when you close the earpiece. This along with the 6315's possible power saving option are driving me crazy. If I'm using the headset and I get a call, when I press the button on the headset, it takes a couple of seconds before the caller hears me. Just long enough for the caller to think I hung up on them.

09-03-2004, 07:08 PM
I think BT is able to receive multiple connections.
I currently use an X30 to connect to the internet via BT to T616 using GPRS, and I have PocketMap Navigator working with my Globalsat BT GPS adapter, and using a Jabra 200 headset to hear mp3's and listen to Pocketmap Navigator when its time to make turns.

I have 3 continouis connections without a problem


Jason Lee
09-07-2004, 06:16 PM
I have the motorola headset. When I connect it to my hp 2215 I can hear a hiss in the head set and it shows as connected in bluetooth manager but I cannot hear any of the system sounds from my ppc. no beeps, music, nada. Any thoughts?

09-07-2004, 06:37 PM
You might want to make sure that you haven't turn these sounds off. Tap Start, Settings, Sounds & Notifications. Make sure the Programs checkbox is selected in addition to Notifications.

If that is checked and you still aren't hearing sounds, it may be that 2215 doesn't support the correct profile. I believe you may need both headset and handsfree.

Jason Lee
09-07-2004, 06:41 PM
I found the answer here:

I only had part of the needed registry hack. Many 22xx owners have reported problems with it. So far mine has had none of these problems. But I'm keeping a close eye on it. :)