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View Full Version : IR transfer Outlook contacts and appointments to Pocket PC

08-27-2004, 06:45 PM
Using IR and without active synch, how do I transfer individual and groups of appointments and contacts to my handheld?

My pocket pc synchs with my home computer but when ever I update a contact or appoointment on my work laptop I don't have an easy way to transfer that to my handheld.

Darius Wey
08-28-2004, 08:57 AM
I'm not aware of any IR transfer utilities that handle databases because I haven't searched around for any. If you are not aware of the way PPC's store PIM information, it is through the use of databases.

One method you could try is to backup your PIM information (e.g. with iPAQ Backup or Sprite Backup), and IR that backup file to another remote PPC, and restore that backup file on the other PPC so that it loads all your PIM information.

08-28-2004, 04:35 PM
I should have been more clear - I want to transfer contacts from my laptop to my pocket PC via IR. I don't want to use active synch because it is my work laptop. I can easily transfer files but I don't see an way to transfer Outlook objects (contacts, appointments...). On my laptop I can save my contacts as files and transfer them but then they just sit on my PPC as a file, not in PPC Outlook.

Darius Wey
08-28-2004, 04:43 PM
Oh I understand you now. It may be very hard unless you can gain access to the database files that Outlook on the PC uses for its information storage. And even still, there may be compatibility issues with directly copying this across.

Are you sure you can't ask your work administrators if it is possible to install ActiveSync on the laptop?