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View Full Version : ActiveSync over Wi-Fi

08-25-2004, 03:47 AM
I was starting wifizard.com's tutorial "How-to ActiveSync over Wi-Fi" and I realize they're using a wi-fi card. I don't have the same setup.

Can I ActiveSync over Wi-Fi if my setup consists of a desktop wired to my wireless router?

Jason Dunn
08-25-2004, 04:41 AM
Believe it or not, once you've done the normal desktop connection to get the initial sync, once you get your WiFi set up on the Pocket PC, it should just work, no other changes needed. But if it DOESN'T work, oh boy, then you're in for some pain. WiFi sync is either 100% painless or very painful. So give it a go and see. ;-)

08-25-2004, 09:11 AM
Yes it should work fine with different wifi hardware.

Just make sure, on the Pocket PC, in the AS settings, that you have selected the right computer name to sync with. There is a drop down list, and if you choose the wrong one it obviously will not sync. This only applies to syncing over a network.


08-25-2004, 02:50 PM
I was starting wifizard.com's tutorial "How-to ActiveSync over Wi-Fi" and I realize they're using a wi-fi card. I don't have the same setup.

Can I ActiveSync over Wi-Fi if my setup consists of a desktop wired to my wireless router?

As "Jason Dunn" said if you have a working network (PDA include) and no Firewall on the PC and NetBIOS enabled plus PDA’s name conform to NetBIOS. It will work.
BTW what’s bother you in the Tutorial?


08-25-2004, 03:42 PM
so in theory, I can activesync to my computer from anywhere in the world as long as I'm in a wi-fi hotspot?

Jason Dunn
08-26-2004, 12:06 AM
so in theory, I can activesync to my computer from anywhere in the world as long as I'm in a wi-fi hotspot?

Sort of...you'd need to open up the proper ports in your firewall, and hack ActiveSync to sync to an IP address instead of a computer name. I haven't tried this since Pocket PC 2002, so I don't even know if it's possible.

08-27-2004, 11:28 AM
so in theory, I can activesync to my computer from anywhere in the world as long as I'm in a wi-fi hotspot?

Sort of...you'd need to open up the proper ports in your firewall, and hack ActiveSync to sync to an IP address instead of a computer name. I haven't tried this since Pocket PC 2002, so I don't even know if it's possible.

Set up a VPN at home and you're laughing :) Privacy, no hacking :)