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View Full Version : upgradeing to HP 6315

08-25-2004, 01:27 AM
So, i have been waiting to upgrade my i-mate PPCPE to the new HP, and as i am sure that some others on this site have, signed up for the pre-sale email from t-mobile. I dont have a compUSA near me, to see if they have one. This afternoon i get an email from t-mobile saying you can now buy it under pre-sale for shipment on the 26th, if you are a curent customer call customer care, and if you are a new customer check out some web page on their site. As an existing customer i got an email taylored to being an existing customer "thank you for being a valued t-mobile customer" yadda..yadda. So i call the number and start asking to upgrade. After talking to a few people at t-mobile someone tells me that the phone is not avalible for curent customer. so i read him the email. He asks me about 5 times if this was from t-mobile, and if i signed up for the email on the t-mobile site. needless to say no-one in customer care seems to know about this device, or how to upgrade. nor do they know that the company is sending out emails telling users to call in, when from what i have been told you cant do. But he said they may be able to sell it to me if i were a new customer (right, t-mobile wants to piss off thier existing customer in hopes of getting new ones? doesnt sound right).

I would be intrested to know if anyone else has gotten the pre-sale email as i did. And if anyone has had any luck in getting the device as an existing customer on your existing number and account.


08-25-2004, 02:13 AM
I got the same email and the same results when I call the 800 number. The rep on the phone didn't know anything about the email and read me some bulletin that talked about the 26th - past that, nothing. No prices, no nothing, no help - told me to call back o the 26th.

Sounds like marketing got ahead sales....

For those that did not get the email, here is a copy of it

Dear ___,

Finally. A handheld that can keep up with you. And because you registered for early notification, you are first in line to get the new iPAQ. Get yours now, exclusively from T-Mobile, and start bossing this thing around.

As a T-Mobile customer, you already use our global wireless network every day. Take the next step and experience the first single handheld to take full advantage of the T-Mobile network--voice, Internet, email, and now, Wi-Fi access through T-Mobile HotSpot locations.

Beat the crowds.
This is your exclusive opportunity to buy the iPAQ before it goes on sale to the general public. Get yours today from T-Mobile and be one of the first people ever to hold such a loaded little handheld. There are two ways to get yours:
* To replace your current T-Mobile phone or handheld with the iPAQ, call 1-800-937-8997 to find out if you are eligible for an upgrade.
* To purchase the iPAQ and add a new line of service to an existing T-Mobile account, you can place an order online. Just go to http://www.t-mobile.com/ipaq/package.asp to get started.

Get it all.
- Phone, e-mail, Bluetooth, even Wi-Fi, all in one
- The first handheld to take full advantage of T-Mobile's global wireless network
- The best-performing network, wherever you go
- Walk into any T-Mobile HotSpot or public, corporate or home wireless network, and your iPAQ will automatically shift from GPRS Internet to Wi-Fi.
- Walk out; it shifts back.

Do it all.
- Use pocket versions of Microsoft Word, Excel and Outlook
- Enjoy music, pictures and games
- Snap, share and save photos, or print them to your wireless printer

Lucky you.
Don't miss this exclusive early-order offer.

Get yours now. Call Customer Care at 1-800-937-8997 to replace your existing phone or handheld. Or, go to http://www.t-mobile.com/ipaq/package.asp to purchase the iPAQ with a new service plan.

Want to learn more about Windows Mobile(TM) and mobile solutions from Microsoft Corporation? Go to to sign up to receive additional information.

T-Mobile respects your privacy. If you've received this message in error, or if you prefer not to receive future e-mail messages from T-Mobile, go to to unsubscribe.

T-Mobile USA, 12920 SE 38th Street, Bellevue, WA 98006

T-Mobile is a registered trademark of Deutsche Telekom AG. Get More From Life is a registered trademark of T-Mobile USA, Inc. Microsoft, Windows Mobile, and Microsoft Word, Excel and Outlook are registered trademarks of Microsoft Corporation in the United States and/ or other countries. HP is a registered trademark of Hewlett Packard Development Company, L.P.

08-25-2004, 02:17 AM
exact same email. what bogus customer service. but you could order it with a new account online and get around dealing with the stupid reps. But that does a lot of good for us that have an account.

Sven Johannsen
08-25-2004, 06:45 AM
You have to wonder how real this is though. The sender address is [email protected], not a T-Mobile address. The Opt In/Opt out IP addresses are that of a web hosting service. Might be a bunch just phishing for customers. Sure the online link is real, but you can get there by clicking the 6315 on T-Mobiles front page. Nothing special there. Could just be a big screw up too.

08-25-2004, 04:28 PM
True, when i think it was a post here that was made saying that you could signup for notification at t-mobiles web site, the acctualy site was www.getmoreconnected. i was a bit concerned as that was not the t-mobile domain, so i first went to the t-mobile web site, and they had an image promoting the notification service on their home page, and that link took you directly to getmoreconnected.com and last night when i checked (i havent yet today), the same image on their home page was still linked to getmore connected.com and that site redirected you back to their product page. I am not worried that this is not a t-mobile email, but somthing else mayhave happened.

08-27-2004, 03:35 AM
When T-Mobile started their first PPC they wouldn't sell it too their existing customers for a couple of months after they started selling it.

08-27-2004, 04:22 AM
That i think would be bogus.
I called in today, sine general avalibility is today, and it is listed in their handheld section. Today, the rep knew exactly what to do, and the upgrade is on its way. i was quoted $539 as the price with a year contract extention, and $579 without a contact.

08-29-2004, 05:02 PM
my rep told me that existing customers were entitled to a $100 discount or something like that. She wasnt totally sure about it.

08-29-2004, 06:37 PM
I think it would be really cool if T-Mobile provided a mail-in rebate for existing customers. Then we could buy the H6315 from any store, send in proof of purchase along with our T-Mobile phone number, and they could verify how long we have been a customer and provide the rebate. Further, it would be even cooler if those same existing customers got such a loyalty rebate that was worth more than the new account rebates.

Of course, I am not going to hold my breath on this, but now with number portability one would think the wireless providers would be more agressive in pleasing their existing customers.