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View Full Version : PIE speedier with PPC 2003

08-24-2004, 07:05 AM
I had been putting off upgrading my 5455 to Mobile 2003 as I did not want to have to upgrade my Mapopolis subscription. However, I finally made the leap. If for no other reason, the speed increase on viewing webpages was well worth the effort and the expense. I use my PPC to surf the web at hotspots and I was amazed at the speed increase. I view a lot of ebay pages, which previously took quite a while to download. My guess is the time was cut in half. I also noticed that when downloading these pages, I can now scroll down before all the pictures have downloaded. Overall the unit seems to be faster.

Now, I just need to come up with the 100 bucks for the new Mapopolis subscription so I won't get lost.
