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View Full Version : GPRS and mNotes and IPAQ 6315

08-21-2004, 12:49 PM
Just bought my IPAQ 6315 (Compusa) to replace my Blackberry 7230. Call Tmobile to reprovision the SIM to VPN3 from Blackberry (they kept asking how I got it :-)). GPRS Internet works, WIFI works, etc.

Problem is that mNotes works with USB and WIFI connections. But when I try to sync with GPRS it gets an error

Connection reset by peer..Win32 error:10054 (0x80072746)

Any ideas? I've posted a message to Commontime's tech support but I assume I won't hear anything till Monday at the earliest.

12-30-2005, 11:49 PM
have you found anything on this error? I get this sometimes as well.


01-31-2006, 09:20 AM
I have not tried synching my Qtek 9100 with mNotes via GPRS, but I would think you'd have to open up some ports on your firewall to allow traffic to flow via GPRS. Synching with WiFi and USB, your device is on the same subnet as your desktop computer. However, when you're using GPRS, chances are you're on a outside network. Check out the users guide of mNotes to see what needs to be done to allow GPRS synching.