View Full Version : Yes, I do love it THAT much...
08-17-2004, 04:08 AM
I've read a few posts recently about people getting bored and frustrated with their pocket pcs, and after reading so much negativity, I wanted to spread some of my positivity:
I don't know how long it has been that I bought my first pocket pc, but probably at least 4 years or so. Yet I am still in love like at the first minute when I saw that Windows colour screen in a store. I am at my third device, but I will still religiously carry it everywhere I go, and even if it's only to pick up a bread and some milk at the corner store. You never know when you might need it. I will have it with me every night on my bedside table, and every night I will at least spend a few minutes doing some reading or games or surfing. I am using it for everything I can imagine, from business appointments to to-do-lists to my recipe database and menu planner/shopping list/inventory, my diary or expense record, budget planner, photo album. You name it. My pocket pc didn't go the same way as every other "fling" of mine that's sitting in a corner collecting dust (knitting needles, video editing software, yoga mat, SLR camera, pottery, portable DVD player, mini camcorder...). A pocket pc is not something that I really, REALLY need, like my computer or the fridge, and anything I can do on my pocket pc I could do with some other device as well, yet... I can't explain it... it's still around and as used as it was when I first started unpacking it 4 years ago.
I don't know how to better express it... I just LOVE my pocket pc.
I hope you love yours too.
K. :wink:
Sven Johannsen
08-17-2004, 04:19 AM
Well, some may think it is sick, some may think it is immoral. It may not even be legal where you live, but I have four and love them all. Each one is special in her,,,er,'s own way. :wink:
Darius Wey
08-17-2004, 04:22 AM
4?!? Phwoah! Well the more the merrier! :wink:
08-17-2004, 05:03 AM
Well, some may think it is sick, some may think it is immoral. It may not even be legal where you live, but I have four and love them all. Each one is special in her,,,er,'s own way. :wink:
I think it's only wrong if you bring both out to dinner.
Kati Compton
08-17-2004, 05:08 AM
I think it's only wrong if you bring both out to dinner.
Though you may be in trouble if one borrows another one's case or memory cards...
08-17-2004, 05:43 AM
As a rule I don't believe in starting a new relationship before I end one... so... I have only one device at any time... :(
However... I must admit... I have had a bit of a wandering eye of late... but can you fault me... she (Asus A730) is just so sexy and well-built... not to mention she is promising me everything I ever wanted...
The only problem is that the alimony is killing me from all my previous marriages...
08-17-2004, 02:00 PM
So what does your significant other think about sharing your heart with your PPC (and in the case of Sven...your 4 PPCs)? :lol:
08-17-2004, 02:14 PM
So what does your significant other think about sharing your heart with your PPC (and in the case of Sven...your 4 PPCs)? :lol:
[Laying in bed] "Love, can I play Hyperspace Delivery Boy? *puppy dog eyes*"
She's a bit addicted to that game right now. Unfortunately, she's played it so much that she overrode all my save game files. So I made her her own storage card with all her games. She loves that little tappy gameboy.
08-17-2004, 02:20 PM
So what does your significant other think about sharing your heart with your PPC (and in the case of Sven...your 4 PPCs)? :lol:
Actually, I have a very "open" relationship with my wife, and she does not have a single unsecure feeling if I take "my precious" everywhere I go. :lol:
She knows my Ipaq fills a space she cannot (last time I tried, my wife was unable to connect me to a HotSpot).
And, you know what, I even can "play" with other Ipaqs at CompuUsa without hurting her feelings. :mrgreen:
Sven Johannsen
08-17-2004, 04:54 PM
So what does your significant other think about sharing your heart with your PPC (and in the case of Sven...your 4 PPCs)? :lol:
(last time I tried, my wife was unable to connect me to a HotSpot).
I'm not touchin' that line for nuthin'
My wife has had up to two at a time as well, so we have a very open relationship.
08-17-2004, 05:32 PM
Heh, well right now my PPC IS my significant other ;) And sadly enough it's been with me longer then any of my boyfriends too! But yeah I still have it with me all the time, and it's still highly valuable to me. I love having all my important info with me at all times, and it's great to know that unlike my cell phone, when I get a new PDA my contact list and documents will be able to be transferred relatively effortlessly to it, none of the pain of re-entering all the numbers when I get a new cell phone :) I never get lost with directions to all my friend's houses stored in Word, and Pocket Streets, and Mapquest as long as I have my gomadic cable. I can carry 8-10 CDs worth of music on my storage card in Ogg format, and hook it up to my car stereo with a tape adapter, and I have enough games and ebooks to get me through any line or doctor's office wait. It doesn't have the same rush of newness that it had when I first got it, and lately I've been noticing the screen is a little dimmer, the battery life is a little shorter. But I still don't think I could live without it, and soon I'll get a new one, with WIRELESS, and be giddy all over again!
08-17-2004, 07:33 PM
My husband has given up on me a long time ago... 8O
He just doesn't get it and when you don't get it you don't get it if you get what I mean. He doesn't complain, he doesn't question, he'll accept it and it's a part of me and he loves me, and I guess he's gotta love that part of me as well.
And for the ones of you who like it a little more "cheesy": whenever I asked him if was ok if I'd buy another pocket pc, his first comment was "Do you really need a new one?" and if I'd say yes, he'd say "If it makes you happy." No eyes-rolling, no sighing.
That's why I married the man. :D
08-17-2004, 10:18 PM
... but I will still religiously carry it everywhere I go, and even if it's only to pick up a bread and some milk at the corner store. You never know when you might need it. I will have it with me every night on my bedside table, and every night I will at least spend a few minutes doing some reading or games or surfing. I am using it for everything I can imagine, from business appointments to to-do-lists to my recipe database and menu planner/shopping list/inventory, my diary or expense record, budget planner, photo album. You name it...
Same here! I also have it with me always, and that's why I switched to PPCPE as soon as it came out and later upgraded to iMate PPCPE + 512MB SD and I'm all set!
It's good to hear other people share your passion for PPC! :mrgreen:
08-18-2004, 05:40 AM
I want a phone edition too!!! Can't wait for the new Ipaq to come out!
I wonder if DH can hold back the sighing and eye rolling this time around!!
08-18-2004, 11:12 AM
I want a phone edition too!!! Can't wait for the new Ipaq to come out!
this one? (
Sven Johannsen
08-18-2004, 03:54 PM
I want a phone edition too!!! Can't wait for the new Ipaq to come out!
this one? (
If not that one, the 6300 is on HPs site for pre-order.
08-18-2004, 05:08 PM
I want a phone edition too!!! Can't wait for the new Ipaq to come out!
this one? (
O - M - G!!
08-18-2004, 07:08 PM
Karina your husband sounds like the perfect guy! Any more like him that you know of out there?
08-18-2004, 07:14 PM
Yea, I got me a good mate as well.
"I think I'm going to get a new Pocket PC"
"What's wrong with your current one?"
"Nothing. But I want a faster one with a better screen and built-in wireless"
"If it'll make you happy, it's your money" *kisses my cheek*
And she's seen me pouring over this site enough to know that I know a thing or two about what I'm going to buy :wink:
08-18-2004, 07:37 PM
Karina your husband sounds like the perfect guy! Any more like him that you know of out there?
They're rare. And he doesn't have a brother either! I need one like him to set my best friend up with, she's in desperate need of a winner this time, no losers anymore for her. DIFFICULT, I tell ya! :wink:
08-18-2004, 10:54 PM
And for the ones of you who like it a little more "cheesy": whenever I asked him if was ok if I'd buy another pocket pc, his first comment was "Do you really need a new one?" and if I'd say yes, he'd say "If it makes you happy." No eyes-rolling, no sighing.
Problem is, will you react in the same way, when he tells you he wants that gigant-o-humung-o-normous grill that's on sale for $599, because the current one just doesn't grill well enough? ;)
08-18-2004, 11:16 PM
He doesn't grill.
Try another one. :wink:
But seriously, I would probably have to grind my teeth and approve of the purchase, because he lets me do my stuff too. Luckily, he would never do something like that. I am the bad one in my family. :lol:
Pat Logsdon
08-18-2004, 11:56 PM
"I think I'm going to get a new Pocket PC"
"What's wrong with your current one?"
I'm with you up until here, but then our paths diverge. Mine leads to a Bad Place. :mrgreen:
08-19-2004, 01:57 AM
I want a phone edition too!!! Can't wait for the new Ipaq to come out!
this one? (
O - M - G!!
is that a "yes"? :lol:
edit: being talked about in this thread (
08-19-2004, 01:59 AM
"I think I'm going to get a new Pocket PC"
"What's wrong with your current one?"
I'm with you up until here, but then our paths diverge. Mine leads to a Bad Place. :mrgreen:
hahaha! your avatar fits then. :wink:
08-19-2004, 02:05 AM
"I think I'm going to get a new Pocket PC"
"What's wrong with your current one?"
I'm with you up until here, but then our paths diverge. Mine leads to a Bad Place. :mrgreen:
I suppose it's because I'm the one that does all our finances now. I pay our shared bills, then my bills, then her bills. I get money from her account to pay rent. So she trusts me that I have enough to pay for such an extravagent purchase on a college budget :roll: :rotfl:
Anways, here's to our good fortune to have mates that understand us so, and especially for the ones that don't let us waste our money
Pat Logsdon
08-19-2004, 02:48 AM
I suppose it's because I'm the one that does all our finances now.
Anways, here's to our good fortune to have mates that understand us so, and especially for the ones that don't let us waste our money
But...but....I handle the finances, and I want to waste our money! Help?
Brad Adrian
08-19-2004, 03:38 AM
I also carry my Pocket PC with me EVERYWHERE. I don't want to sound melodramatic, but my Pocket PC has been an indispensible help in my day-to-day coping with attention deficit disorder. ADD can make it very difficult to remember details or organize daily tasks. If it weren't for the To Do list making and Contacts database, I'd be up a creek.
Sven Johannsen
08-19-2004, 04:39 AM
I also carry my Pocket PC with me EVERYWHERE. I don't want to sound melodramatic, but my Pocket PC has been an indispensible help in my day-to-day coping with attention deficit disorder. ADD can make it very difficult to remember details or organize daily tasks. If it weren't for the To Do list making and Contacts database, I'd be up a creek.
So now I'm curious. Do you use your PPC to keep track of what is in what pocket of your e-vest?
08-19-2004, 04:43 AM
I also carry my Pocket PC with me EVERYWHERE. I don't want to sound melodramatic, but my Pocket PC has been an indispensible help in my day-to-day coping with attention deficit disorder. ADD can make it very difficult to remember details or organize daily tasks. If it weren't for the To Do list making and Contacts database, I'd be up a creek.
So now I'm curious. Do you use your PPC to keep track of what is in what pocket of your e-vest?
But if his PPC is in his does he know which pocket his PPC is in? Or any other one of his gadgets?!
It's the chicken or the egg! :lol:
08-19-2004, 06:18 AM
I also carry my Pocket PC with me EVERYWHERE. I don't want to sound melodramatic, but my Pocket PC has been an indispensible help in my day-to-day coping with attention deficit disorder. ADD can make it very difficult to remember details or organize daily tasks. If it weren't for the To Do list making and Contacts database, I'd be up a creek.
Hear, hear! Not only does it help keep my chaotic little brain organized, but it's also the perfect tool to channel the urge to fidget when in excessively boring situations(standing in line, waiting for an appointment) so that I don't go absolutely batty for having nothing to do with my hands or to occupy my mind :)
08-19-2004, 11:08 AM
I also carry my Pocket PC with me EVERYWHERE. I don't want to sound melodramatic, but my Pocket PC has been an indispensible help in my day-to-day coping with attention deficit disorder. ADD can make it very difficult to remember details or organize daily tasks. If it weren't for the To Do list making and Contacts database, I'd be up a creek.
So now I'm curious. Do you use your PPC to keep track of what is in what pocket of your e-vest?
ListPro, baby! :lol:
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