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View Full Version : Task bar at bottom??

08-13-2004, 03:37 PM
Hi I'm Sunny

Is there a way to put the taskbar to put at the bottom.

Also I want my ppc ie 2210 to look like xp. Is there a free way to do so ??

Steven Cedrone
08-13-2004, 04:01 PM
Well, it's not free, but take a look at this:



08-13-2004, 05:36 PM
PPX (http://www.ppx3k.com) will let you create skins for the bottom taskbar too, and there are several skins out there that emulate the Windows XP look -- and the program costs less than $10. Here's a screenshot of one I created recently


To see other skin examples, check out:
-- PPXthemes.com (http://www.ppxthemes.com)
-- PPXskins.com (http://www.ppxskins.com)

PPX has highly advanced skinning capabilities, but some people want something very simple, in which case Wisbar Advance (http://www.lakeridgesoftware.com) can also do what you want. It's free, and lots of people, especially Juni (http://www.kolumbus.fi/anders.ruohio/skinz.html), have created some awesome skins for it, but Wisbar only skins the top and bottom bars (where in contrast PPX skins everything). Just FYI!

Chefz :D