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View Full Version : Buy A Creative Labs Portable Media Center, Get A Suunto n3 Smart Watch Free

Ed Hansberry
08-12-2004, 08:00 PM
<a href="http://www.amazon.com/exec/obidos/redirect?tag=jasondunn-20&amp;path=tg/detail/-/B0002J6GLG/qid%3D1092334255/sr%3D8-1">http://www.amazon.com/exec/obidos/redirect?tag=jasondunn-20&amp;path=tg/detail/-/B0002J6GLG/qid%3D1092334255/sr%3D8-1</a><br /><br />Amazon is running a few promos actually on the new Portable Media Center, so if you are planning on getting one, you might as well get a new smart watch! <br /><br /><img src="http://www.pocketpcthoughts.com/images/hansberry/2004/20040812-pmcwatchoffer1.jpg" /><br /><br />• <b>Special Offer:</b> Buy this Portable Media Center and get a Suunto n3 Smart Watch in black or white for free with promotional code SMARTWATCH01. (Applies only to products sold by Amazon.com. Does not apply to products sold by third-party merchants and other sellers through the Amazon.com site.) Offer expires August 31, 2004.<br /><br /><img src="http://www.pocketpcthoughts.com/images/hansberry/2004/20040812-pmcwatchoffer2.jpg" /> <!><br /><br />• <b>Special Offer:</b> Buy this portable media player and get a Fossil Wrist Net Dick Tracy (FX3002), Round Face (FX3001), or Square Face (FX3000) Smart Watch for free with a promotional code. See the watches' product detail pages for details. (Applies only to products sold by Amazon.com. Does not apply to products sold by third-party merchants and other sellers through the Amazon.com site.) Offer expires August 22, 2004.

08-12-2004, 08:07 PM
Spot watches must not be doing to well if they have to be given away ;).

08-12-2004, 08:16 PM
Spot watches must not be doing to well if they have to be given away ;).

I'd love to have one. My current watches aren't geek enough. :D Too bad it doesn't work here or I'd buy one.

08-12-2004, 08:18 PM
Spot watches must not be doing to well if they have to be given away ;).

I'd love to have one. My current watches aren't geek enough. :D Too bad it doesn't work here or I'd buy one.

Same here.

08-12-2004, 09:05 PM
Two dead-end Micirosoft initiated systems for the price of one... HOLD ME BACK!

I'd much reather have a hx4705 with a 20GB hard drive mounted in the back than this fixed function video/music player.

08-12-2004, 09:11 PM
Nice. That Suunto watch is spendy, so if you're going to get a PMC, might was well throw one of those in, too.

Does anyone know if this includes any length of the MSN Direct subscription for the watch, or is that extra?

Kati Compton
08-12-2004, 09:18 PM
... does that media center device look *big* to anyone but me?

08-12-2004, 09:22 PM
It is mirrored, which makes it look slightly bulky.

&lt;edit> Eeek! I found a slightly better picture, and it isn't mirrored: It actually is that thick!


08-12-2004, 09:25 PM
... does that media center device look *big* to anyone but me?

To get the 7 hours of hard disk intensive video playback on a single charge there must be a fairly enormous battery!

The mother in the picture looking back at her son watching the unit is awfully easy going... my 18 month old son will reach puberty before I'd let him touch one of my precious things... :wink:

Zack Mahdavi
08-12-2004, 09:28 PM
It is mirrored, which makes it look slightly bulky.

&lt;edit> Eeek! I found a slightly better picture, and it isn't mirrored: It actually is that thick!

Ouch... I don't call that portable..

08-12-2004, 09:31 PM
The watch obviously is defective, it shows a sunshiney forecast and says "Seattle" at the same time :wink:

Janak Parekh
08-12-2004, 10:55 PM
The watch obviously is defective, it shows a sunshiney forecast and says "Seattle" at the same time :wink:
Believe it or not, Seattle was sunny during the whole MVP summit. :mrgreen:

Anyway -- amongst the reasons the SPOT watches haven't sold well is because some of the cheaper models are underwhelming (IMO) and this one, which is amongst the best, is typically expensive (~ $300). If you don't mind a large-ish watch, you can't go wrong with the n3. It's surprisingly light and comfortable, the display is very nice, there's faces with seconds, and SPOT, while not perfect, is pretty convenient. I've got it on my wrist right now. ;)


08-12-2004, 11:01 PM
If you want one of these portable media players it seems like an okay deal. I'm guessing we'll see more of this as the watches become give-aways to attract customers to subscription service, much like we see with Cell Phones and Satellite TV.

However, am I the only one that thinks the Personal Media Player is just a bunch of hype? Near as I can tell there isn't a legal way to bring your DVD collection with you on these things, which would be a great selling point. In the US, however, it's illegal to provide software that circumvents copy protection technology. Anyone who has had the "joy" of trying to rip and convert their DVD collection for use on PPC knows that Joe/Jane Public aren't going to be bothered with it. I think Best Buy, Circuit City, etc. are going to get a lot of returns of these things when people figure out they can't watch their DVD's like they thought. Once again, the overzealous DMCA prevents the adoption of new technology - though if you believe the legislators who passed it, it was for the exact opposite reason.

At least with the IPod there's a legal way to rip your CD collection for use on your mobile device.

Felix Torres
08-12-2004, 11:09 PM
The watch obviously is defective, it shows a sunshiney forecast and says "Seattle" at the same time :wink:
Believe it or not, Seattle was sunny during the whole MVP summit. :mrgreen:

MS Research was beta-testing one of their upcoming products: MS Weather.

Janak Parekh
08-12-2004, 11:13 PM
MS Research was beta-testing one of their upcoming products: MS Weather.
:lol: Are they doing it right now, as well (http://weather.yahoo.com/forecast/USWA0395.html)? ;)

In all seriousness, Seattle is primarily rainy in the winter months. Summer's actually quite pleasant -- they average (http://weather.yahoo.com/climo/USWA0395_f.html) much less rain than New York does (http://weather.yahoo.com/climo/USNY0996_f.html). We got 4 inches of rain yesterday, most of it in about 45 minutes around 2:30pm. 8O It wasn't just raining cats and dogs -- a river was basically being poured from the skies onto New York. Admittedly, that's a freak occurrence even here.


08-13-2004, 05:50 AM
I'll grab one of these when they go on their liquidation sale. ;)

08-16-2004, 09:22 PM
...Now this is more like it...

720x480 resolution, 7" screen. Now add a touch screen and WM2003 and I'm all set.
